June 26, 2024
Local News

County to readdress marijuana tax, ban

DIXON – Lee County again will be looking at taxing recreational marijuana and banning sales in unincorporated areas.

County Board committee members will go over draft ordinances next week and decide whether to send them to the full board Jan. 21 for a vote.

One would be an opt-out ordinance prohibiting recreational marijuana businesses from setting up shop in unincorporated areas; cities and towns make the decision to allow and regulate it in their municipalities.

The county determined that marijuana businesses would "present adverse impacts upon the health, safety, and welfare of the residents, and additional costs, burdens and impacts upon law enforcement and regulatory operations of the county," according to the draft.

The other would set a 3 percent sales tax on recreational marijuana that it could collect in cities where marijuana businesses develop, as well as a 3.75 percent in unincorporated areas if the ban changes.

An interested dispensary developer has been in talks with Dixon officials and is applying for a state license. Three of 75 recreational dispensary licenses that will be awarded in May are earmarked for the nine-county area that includes the Sauk Valley.

In September, the board voted down establishing a local sales tax on recreational marijuana in a 7-to-14 vote with the majority of members uncomfortable showing any kind of support or connection with marijuana.

The board heard a presentation last month from Peoria attorney Andrew Keyt specializing in government litigation and zoning who told them that if they do decide to allow sales, they need to have zoning regulations in place to control where businesses like dispensaries, craft growers and cultivation centers can be developed.

Next meeting

The Lee County Board next meets at 9 a.m. Jan. 21 in the third-floor board room of the Old Lee County Courthouse, 112 E. Second St.

The agenda will be posted at leecountyil.com 2 days before the meeting.