Minooka Community High School launched its one-to-one Chromebook pilot program earlier this month to a select group of freshman and sophomore classes.
The group of about 210 students will use their new Chromebooks during classes in Chemistry, English II, Health, Animal Science, Special Education, Spanish I, Pre-AP World History & Geography, and Algebra I, according to a news release.
"MCHS affords an amazing learning environment for our students and teachers, so why not provide them with the latest technology to enhance their knowledge and culture,” MCHS Principal Bryan Zwemke said in the release. “Monitoring of the project will be constant through the teachers and their reports of how the devices and lessons are working cohesively."
The district converted its email system in 2014 to help teachers and students use more online tools for school work. Then in 2016, the district began introducing Chromebook carts to be checked out by teachers at each campus and improve access to technology. Each year, the district introduced more carts but found the need for technology increased.
In 2017, discussion began about the steps needed to move the district to a one-to-one student to device ratio.