January 04, 2025
Coronavirus | Kendall County Now


Oswego Senior Center suspends all group activities in response to coronavirus emergency


The Oswego Senior Center, located at 156 E. Washington St. in Oswego, has suspended its congregate meal program, group activities and classes until further notice effective today, Thursday, March 12 upon the recommendation of the Illinois Department on Aging.

The department made the request to close all Area Agencies on Aging in the state in response to Gov. JB Prtizker's March 11 declaration of a state of emergency over the coronavirus or COVID-19.

In a media release, the Senior Center announced more information will be released when available.

Located in the former Traughber Junior High School building, the non-profit center serves seniors throughout the Oswego community.

For additional information, seniors are advised to call 630-554-5602.

John Etheredge

John Etheredge

Editor of the Record Newspapers and KendallCountyNow.com, John's career as a journalist in Kendall County began in 1981. Over the years his news beats have included county government, municipal government, school boards, police and more. He also writes editorials on local issues and the weekly Kendall County Government Newsletter.