February 15, 2025
Features | Herald-News


Channahon’s Three Rivers Festival for 2020 canceled

The Three Rivers Festival Committee announces the cancellation of the 2020 Channahon’s Three Rivers Festival.

The Three Rivers Festival Committee announced the cancellation of the 2020 Channahon’s Three Rivers Festival.

The festival was to be held Aug. 12 to Aug. 16.

“We extend our sincere appreciation to the Village of Channahon, Channahon Police Department, Channahon Park District, sponsors, countless volunteers and community members who help make the Three Rivers Festival successful each year,” Mike Rittof, Three Rivers Festival co-chair, said in a news release from the festival committee.

“The decision was made in an effort to comply with the State of Illinois guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of our community which continues to be our top priority.”

The next Three Rivers Festival is scheduled for Aug. 11 to Aug. 15, 2021.

Channahon’s Three Rivers Festival is organized by a committee of community volunteers. Proceeds from the event are invested back into the community annually among three sponsoring organizations (Channahon Lions Club, Chanooka Braves Youth Football and Channahon Pony Baseball) and through a community grant program which distributes funds to not for profit organizations that serve the Channahon community.

Since 1989, the Three Rivers Festival has generated more than $1 million for community programs and services.

For more information, visit ThreeRiversFest.com.