January 24, 2025
Local News

Joliet Catholic Academy scheduled to reopen in August

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Joliet Catholic Academy will resume on-campus classes for the fall semester.

The school at 1200 N. Larkin Ave. is scheduled to reopen for the fall semester on Aug. 13 for staff training and then for freshmen orientation Aug. 17 and 18, according to a JCA news release.

The first official day of school is scheduled for Aug. 19.

JCA President Jeffrey Budz said in a news release that school officials are anticipating returning to campus this fall and they are “eager to celebrate school life together.”

“We are taking every possible health precaution and preparing for all scenarios. So, while normal may look a little different in the fall, we are excited to reunite safely with our JCA Angel and Hilltopper family,” Budz said.

The JCA administration and a new reopening task force are looking at various areas on campus and the school building itself to determine the “safest and most efficient means” of operation in accordance with government guidelines, according to a JCA news release.

The steering committee of the task force will have subcommittees focused on health and wellness, building, schedule, athletics and activities, curriculum and technology, JCA officials said.

“The JCA reopening task force is currently considering how to modify classroom setups, common area access, athletic and after-school extracurricular plans and event protocols in an effort to incorporate social distancing,” JCA officials said.

Other plans may include hybrid learning with some instructional elements continuing online while others will resume on campus and in smaller class sizes, JCA officials said.

Incoming freshmen and transfer students interested in enrolling at JCA can request information at jca-online.org/admissions or by calling the school at 815-741-0500, extension 214.

“The smaller class sizes and individualized attention for every student has been a calling card, uniquely positioning our students to have success during the COVID-19 pandemic in any classroom setting,” JCA Admissions Director Ryan Quigley said in a news release.

Felix Sarver

Felix Sarver

Felix Sarver covers crime and courts for The Herald-News