LA GRANGE - Margaret Meehan of Western Springs has been named the 2020-21 student representative to the Lyons Township High School District 204 Board of Education. She starts her one-year term in August.
“My goal as a student representative to the school board is to provide the school board with an honest representation of the student experience at LT with input from various perspectives," Meehan, an incoming senior, said in a statement.
Meehan is a varsity swimmer and a member of Relay for Life and Spanish Honor Society. She was recently inducted into the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and National Honor Society.
Outside of school, Meehan has been a competitive swimmer for 10 years and actively involved in her church and was selected as a member of Young Community Changemakers, a philanthropy group for high schoolers run by Community Memorial Foundations. She is also a volunteer at the Thomas Ford Memorial Library.