February 07, 2025
Premium | Bureau County Republican


Status of Spring Valley aerial fire truck repairs remains uncertain

Fire Chief: 'If the bearing can be located it could be a 6 to 7 month wait'

SPRING VALLEY — A recent call for Spring Valley Fire Department’s aerial truck went unanswered; it’s out of commission due to needed repairs.

Fire Chief Todd Bogatitus told the Spring Valley City Council on Monday he’s not sure the parts for the truck’s outdated aerial are anywhere to be found.

Bogatitus approached the city council a few weeks ago to notify aldermen the aerial has a bad bearing, and it seems due to the age of the equipment and spotty maintenance records, there isn’t going to be a simple, or cheap fix.

There are three companies he’s in talks with to try to facilitate the repairs, each is trying to find the necessary replacement parts or at least come up with a game plan.

“It’s not going to be a quick fix,” he said, “Because they’re telling me even if the bearing can be located it could be a six- to seven-month wait.”

Bogatitus said if no one can be found to fix it, the aerial can’t be used and the alternative, putting a ladder on the truck is a $300,000 to $400,000 price tag the department can’t afford. Besides that, he said the truck has another 15 years in it, so it’s the auxiliary equipment that’s bad, not the truck itself.

“Can’t they make one?” Mayor Walt Marini questioned.

Bogatitus said the issue he’s running into is companies don’t have the specs for the bearing and aren’t willing to undertake the liability of fabricating one that could fail.

“I can’t believe there’s nobody that can make one,” Marini said. “That doesn’t make any sense. I understand if there isn’t one just sitting on somebody’s shelf somewhere, but it has to be able to be fabricated.”

Bogatitus previously told aldermen the aerial is a much-needed piece of equipment due to the proximity of the Walmart Distribution Center, Bureau County Housing Authority and other businesses in Spring Valley.