February 07, 2025
Letters to the Editor | Herald-News

Letters to the Editor

Communist revolution

To the Editor:

Riots, charges of racism, tearing down statues, burning down buildings, taking over parts of cities, attackers killing innocent people, attacks on or defunding police are part of a communist revolution.

We militarily triumphed over communism in the past, but now we have Marxist professors indoctrinating students, Democrat politicians largely are communist/socialist, and the Chinese Communist Party financially influences politicians, sports and the media.

Many people are unwittingly helping because they have been indoctrinated and are unaware of the problems and horrible history of socialism. Socialism never worked anywhere, forbids private property, stifles liberty, destroys free enterprise, depends on dictatorship to obtain and hold power and killed 100 million victims. Socialism is based on atheism. It preaches class warfare, including racism, oppression and victimization. It demands equal outcomes, regardless of efforts or ability.

Democrats and Black Lives Matter are following the communist approach: take away the people’s guns, remove the police and substitute their own security force like the Muslim Sharia patrols in parts of New York. Democratic mayors ordering police and firefighters to stand down while criminals loot and burn are failing to do their job and are aiding and abetting criminals. They should be recalled and prosecuted. The common denominator with all cities with the violence and riots is that they are run by Democrats.

Many of the violent riots are more about revolution than race. The leaders of BLM are trained Marxists. They have no concern about thousands of Blacks murdered by other Blacks in Chicago, by Planned Parenthood or of murdered Black police officers. The gateway pundit said funding to blacklivesmatter.com goes directly to the DNC.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for communism.

Robert Lemke
