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Princeton will host free electronics recycling event

Event is open to Princeton residents only

PRINCETON — The city of Prince­ton will host a free electronics recycling event from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at Republic Services Transfer Station, located at 1530 Peggy Lane.

The event ends at 11 a.m. or when containers are full. Residential units only, no commerical units will be accepted.

The recycling event will be for Princeton residents only. Residents must supply a utility bill and driver’s license to prove residency.

There will be a limit of five items per car, which many include no more than two TVs or monitors.

Accepted items: Cables and cable boxes, blenders (without glass), cash registers, cameras, mobile electronic devices, carpet sweepers, computers and laptops, coffee makers (without glass), computer peripheral, curling irons, copiers, electric knives, cords, electric toothbrushes, televisions and monitors, holiday lights, DVD players andVCRs, external hard drives, UPS units, fax machines, scanners and video game consoles.

Items not accepted: Large kitchen applicances, washers/dryers, medical equipment, light bulbs, VHS cassette tapes, e-cigarettes, household and lithium batteries, and freon containing devices.

For questions about a particular item, call city hall at 815-875-2631, ext. 1005.