January 17, 2025
Local News

Blues Brothers show goes on in Joliet, but no Bob's Country Bunker this year

Blues Brothers Movie Night will feature the iconic movie shown in the prison where part of it was filmed with opportunities to stand in a couple of the spots where actor John Belushi stood.

What it won't have is Bob's Country Bunker thanks to a COVID-19 pandemic that has spoiled a lot of fun planned for this year.

But the show will go on marking the 40th Anniversary of the release of "The Blues Brothers," a movie with opening scenes filmed at the former Joliet Correctional Center.

Now dubbed the Old Joliet Prison, it's where the film will be shown Friday and Saturday with social distancing guidelines and masking requirements that were not contemplated when plans were first being made for the event.

Blues Brothers replica automobiles, signature drinks, and even a video appearance by co-star Dan Aykroyd are planned for the event.

"Dan is supposed to be appearing virtually by a prerecording greeting," said Greg Peerbolte, director of the Joliet Area Historical Museum. "It's as good as we can get under the circumstances."

Before the pandemic hit, Peerbolte had hoped to get Aykroyd to attend the event.

He also wanted to have bands playing from a replica of Bob's Country Bunker, the country and western bar in the movie where the Blues Brothers play behind chicken wire as unruly spectators throw beer bottles at them.

"That was the signature thing that I wanted do," Peerbolte said. "The guidelines say don't do things that gather people and cluster people in areas."

It's hard to imagine a Bob's Country Bunker with social distancing rules in place.

Peerbolte, however is looking forward to a night at the prison with the Blues Brothers movie this weekend, even while beginning to make plans for 2021.

"We want to do something big for next year," he said.

For Friday and Saturday, people can still get tickets for Blues Brothers Movie Night.

Tickets are $35 and $20 for those 13-and-under. People are asked to pre-register so they can be assigned seating areas in the social distancing arrangements set up for the event.

Register at www.jolietmuseum.org or call (312) 978-1282.

Bob Okon

Bob Okon

Bob Okon covers local government for The Herald-News