March 10, 2025
Bureau County Sports


Senior Spotlight > Elisabeth Sullivan (Bureau Valley High School)

Name: Elisabeth Sullivan.

School: Bureau Valley High School.

Date/place of birth: Sept. 29, 2002/Minnesota.

Hometown: Walnut.

Family:Mike Sullivan (dad), Julia Ritz (mom), Janet (step mom), Tommy Sullivan (brother).

Sports: Golf, hockey, track.

Nicknames: Sully.

Favorite Sport: Hockey, because it is a co-ed team and it is always much more fun to play with the guys.

Favorite Food: No favorites.

Likes: My family, friends, and riding horses.

Dislikes: Cold weather during golf season.

Person influence athletic career: Nobody really, just kinda chose the sports randomly.

Person with influence on life: My dad, because he has taught me so many things on being independent.

Dream celebrity prom date: Obviously "The Rock" - Dwayne Johnson.

Historic figures: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy. I would like to know what they were thinking during these times.

Deserted island: My boat.

Last song I listened to: "How to Solve a Mystery."

People would be surprised to know: I play hockey.

I stay at home to watch: Bones.

When I need luck for the big game, I: Really nothing. Just hope for the best.

Funniest person I've ever met and why: Lily (Pickard), she's got a weird sense of humor.

What they'll say about me at school after I graduate: Who?

Most embarrassing moment: Too many to count.

Most unforgettable moment: Almost making it sectionals for golf every single year.

Ultimate sports fantasy: Getting a 35 in golf.

What I would like to do in life: Become an equine veterinarian.

Three words to describe myself: Hard-working, intelligent, and caring.