The Joliet Jewish Congregation is pleased to announce its new rabbi, Rabbi Jenny Steinberg Kuvin.
Kuvin takes over the rabbinical position from Rabbi Charles Rubovits, who is in his 80s and wishes to retire.
Rubovits has served the congregation for over 12 years.
Kuvin attended college in both Massachusetts and Florida, where she attained her law degree and remains a member of the Florida Bar. Rabbi spent her career in social services focusing on rehabilitation and education of offenders and other at-risk populations.
She then entered seminary and later became a Rabbi as well as a spiritual, grief and addiction counselor. Rabbi has taught on spirituality for the American Bar Association, Tennessee Bar Association and Florida Bar.
Kuvin has studied all over the world in various healing modalities and is the author of two books, “The Terrible and Wonderful, Ugly and Beautiful Story of My life So Far” and “AHAVATAR, Awakening to Your Divine Self.”
She remains passionate and committed to helping others heal and become whole.
Kuvin enjoys teaching, as well as counseling, and loves to awaken joy in Jewish tradition and bring relevance into spiritual living.
For more information, call Kuvin at 815-741-4600.