Two years ago, Anne Stava-Murray defeated incumbent David Olsen in a close race decided by fewer than 1,000 votes.
Soon after her election, Stava-Murray surprised many observers when she announced she would challenge U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin in the 2020 primary – a plan she later abandoned. She also caused significant controversy when she said “a history of white supremacist policies” existed in Naperville.
But we believe Stava-Murray, a Naperville Democrat, has benefited the district. She called for Mike Madigan to step down as both speaker of the House and leader of the Illinois Democratic party. She was the only Democrat out of 74 during the last election for speaker to vote “present.” She also refused Madigan’s help on the campaign trail.
And while we believe her statements regarding white supremacy in Naperville were extreme, her remarks helped ignite a broader discussion about racial profiling and other acts of discrimination throughout DuPage County.
Stava-Murray sponsored legislation to expand the state’s suicide prevention efforts and implement a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy. She’s also sponsored bills that benefit veterans. More recently, she questioned the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s inability to respond to people seeking information on benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stava-Murray faces a challenge from Republican Laura Hois, an attorney from Downers Grove who served for 19 years as an in-house counsel for a major corporation. She also was clerk of Downers Grove Township and deputy assessor of Sugar Grove Township.
Hois’ three-pronged platform calls for job creation, property tax reform and more responsible spending. She opposes the proposed Fair Tax.
Hois has the background and experience to serve the 81st District in Springfield, but we believe Stava-Murray has earned reelection.
Stava-Murrary is endorsed.