March 14, 2025
Letters to the Editor | Daily Chronicle

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote Amber Quitno for DeKalb County Board District 4

I am writing to express my support for Amber Quitno for County Board District 4.

I have known Amber since we were children. We both grew up here in Sycamore, attended school together, and have remained friends as adults. In school, Amber stuck up for the underdog, avoiding social “clicks”. She was feisty, loyal, and caring back then, and she has carried these same traits into adulthood. Amber came from humble beginnings, but she never let this hold her back. Amber is a self-made successful businesswoman.

Amber genuinely cares for our community. I have seen firsthand Amber’s protectiveness of members in our community by expressing the same genuine concerns as if we are her extended family. Amber has been contacted by many residents in various parts of town who have concerns about something many of us may have previously taken for granted: Our water supply. I reached out to Amber requesting her guidance and help with the Sycamore water safety issue. I contacted her because I trust her medical and regulatory expertise, and I trust her as my friend. I needed a trusted resource with the tenacity and knowledge to tackle this issue head-on. For far too long, my concerns regarding water quality and safety were dismissed by various city employees. Other residents and I were led to believe we were the only ones complaining. I was emotionally exhausted and needed Amber’s insight.

Despite being very busy campaigning for County Board, having her own family and her commitment to her successful career, she did not hesitate to lead the fight for safe water. One of my favorite motto’s in life is how I describe the type of person Amber is. She “does what is right, not what is easy”.

Amber’s tenacity and knowledge enables her to address issues head on, viewing challenges from all angles. Her background in Regulatory Affairs provides her with strong critical thinking skills which will be an asset to community members who elect her for the County Board position she is seeking.

Amber’s loyalty and commitment to our community and the safety of our residents come first, even if it means addressing uncomfortable topics. Amber has strength, determination and persistence resulting in follow-through. As a member of the medical profession, I value my position to advocate for others, and I know Amber will advocate for all of us. Amber will continue to do what is right, not what is easy. Prior to her courageous vocalization of recent issues, my vote was for Amber Quitno. My vote remains Amber Quitno for DeKalb County Board.

Jennifer Campbell
