Founders Elementary School Principal Connie Rohlman helps students find their way on the first day of school Wednesday in DeKalb.
Bridgette Rutowski helps Angela Trevino and her children, Allayah,10, and Adonnis, 8, Gonzales, find their teacher and their classrooms Wednesday before school at Founders Elementary. (Sam Buckner)
DeKalb School District 428 Superintendent Doug Moeller directs traffic before the first day of school Wednesday. (Sam Buckner)
Melanie (10) and Stephanie (7) walk into Founders Elamentary for the first day of school on Wednesday August 24, 2016. (Sam Buckner)
Sam Buckner for Shaw Media. LeBran (9) eats breakfast in the cafeteria before starting the first day of school on Wednesday August 24, 2016.
Sam Buckner for Shaw Media. Founders elementary starting the year off on a quiet rainy morning on Wednesday August 24, 2016.
Sam Buckner for Shaw Media. First graders lineup in the gym before heading off to their classrooms on Wednesday August 24, 2016.