Shannon Homecoming Queen Court Candidates for the 2016 Shannon Homecoming Queen are (from left) Anna Kuper, daughter of Dean and Lisa Kuper, Shannon; Grace Norton, daughter of Jeff and Angela Norton, Lake Carroll; and Destiny Swalve, daughter of Chad and Joni Swalve, Shannon. The crowning of the 58th Shannon Homecoming Queen is at 6 p.m. Saturday at the stage. (PA photo/Tom Kocal)
Shannon Homecoming Little Miss candidates Here are your Little Miss contestants for the 2016 Shannon Homecoming. From left, Nikki Sweitzer, daughter of Terry and Valerie Sweitzer, Lanark; Kiera Higley, BJ and Stephanie Higley, Lanark; Keara Kaus, Tim and Sarah Kaus, Shannon; Avery Gempler, Brian and Amanda Gempler, Shannon; and Kensley Bashaw, Melissa and Mike Medler, Shannon, and Jesse Bashaw, Lanark. Shannon Little Miss will be chosen at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the stage. (PA photo/Tom Kocal)