February 23, 2025
Letters to the Editor | NewsTribune

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Everything that was done by Trump will be undone by Biden

To the Editor:

As Donald Trump won the 2016 election before he was in office the cry out to impeach him before he did anything and for three years the Democrats try to impeach him as the failed Aman trying to do his job was hounded for years for anything he tried to do. Running the country he was criticized for every move he made. How would you feel if your boss was watching every move you made waiting for you to make a mistake? I have never seen any president in my many years criticized so much trying to do good for his country. He had the best economy going this country ever knew. Then came along a deadly virus witch no one knew anything about. Medical people all had different approaches. Trump did his job keeping people from panic. How can you blame him for the virus when all experts can't agree. He stood his grounds and was not afraid to speak as he saw it; able to change if things didn’t work out. A very intelligent person knew how to use the laws to their advantage. Few others could match him. He will be remembered long after others are forgotten. Now we have voted him out and put in Joe Biden. Everything that was done by Trump will be undone by Biden. Now let us give the same treatment we gave Trump. See how fast he will fold. Maybe we made a big mistake. Only time will tell.

William l Schweitzer, Princeton