March 04, 2025
Local News | Bureau County Republican

Local News

Spring Valley City Council passes tax levy for next fiscal year

Fire and Police Departments get OK to purchase equipment

The Spring Valley City Council approved an ordinance levying taxes for all corporate purposes for the city of Spring Valley for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020, and ending April 30, 2021, at Monday night’s meeting.

After an added $2,000 to the fire protection fund and a reduction to the police pension, the city’s levy amount is going up slightly, but less than 5% or about 11.395 cents per $100 dollars of assessed evaluation.

The city council also approved an ordinance providing for the issuance of $425,500 obligation bonds, abating all of the levy and extension of taxes for 2020.

In other board news, Fire Chief Todd Bogatitus has been authorized to purchase air cylinders from Air One Equipment in the amount of $18,975 [$10,295 from the fire protection savings account and the remaining $8,500 from a fundraiser]. The board also gave its OK for Police Chief Adam Curran to purchase a used police vehicle, a 2017 Ford Explorer, from the City of LaSalle in the amount of $8,000. Finally, the board passed an ordinance authorizing the City of Spring Valley to enter into a secondary employer indemnity and conditions agreement with the City of Peru and the City of La Salle.

The council’s next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 28.

Brian Hoxsey

Brian Hoxsey

I worked for 25 years as a CNC operator and in 2005 answered an ad in The Times for a freelance sports writer position. I became a full-time sports writer/columnist for The Times in February of 2016. I enjoy researching high school athletics history, and in my spare time like to do the same, but also play video games and watch Twitch.