Shaw Local

Diane Blair-Sherlock: 2022 candidate for Illinois House District 46


Party: Democratic

Office sought: Illinois House District 46

City: Villa Park

Age: 58

Occupation: Attorney

Previous offices held: None


Q: What needs to be done structurally to make the legislature more effective? What is your position on term limits in general and for legislative leaders specifically?

A: The pandemic has shown us that we have to be flexible. I think providing for zoom committee meetings would enable the legislature to continue to have effective open communications and progress even when not in Springfield. I also think its important that we listen to our constituents and ensure that they feel they can come to us and we will represent their interests and concerns. I have never been a proponent of term limits as I believe many good qualified individuals may not seek public office. Younger candidates choose public service rather than advancing their careers in the private sector with the expectation that they will have a career. The ballot box is the best way to impose term limits. With respect to legislative leaders, I have not formed a solid position yet. I am inclined to support it in light of the circumstances we have witnessed in Illinois, but I open to considering arguments on both sides of this issue at this point.

Q: Federal assistance has enabled the state to make important advances toward improving its budget. What will you do to ensure these advances continue when the federal aid is gone?

A: Attracting more businesses to Illinois, especially those that provide higher wages and benefits is important. We have seen as a result of the pandemic that our reliance on foreign manufacturing is detrimental. This will bring in tax dollars both from the businesses and the employees they attract. To attract businesses we need to continue to improve our infrastructure and educations institutions and opportunities while also growing available training for skilled trades. Under the current administration we have seen Illinois’ credit rating be upgraded which in turn reduces the costs of bonds. The prior administration racked up billions in debt. We need to continue to pay down our debt, prepay our pension obligations and continue to pass balanced budgets.

Q: To what extent are you happy or unhappy with the evidence-based model for education funding now in place in Illinois? How would you define “adequate” state funding for Illinois schools and what will you do to promote that?

A: The model recognizes that all students deserve a quality education, however that the needs vary by district. I think we need to move more toward state level funding rather than how heavily we rely on local property tax funding. There is a significant disparity in educational experiences across the state and all children should receive a quality education regardless of where they live.

Q: Do you believe elections in Illinois are free and fair? What changes, if any, are needed regarding election security and voter access?

A: I believe our elections are free and fair and in DuPage County in particular very conducive to making voting accessible. I do have concerns about the access in Cook County, Chicago in particular with the potential closing of multiple sites and apparent lack of communication. I would work with the local entities responsible for conducting the elections to provide the support they need to ensure a free, fair election with adequate voter access.

Q: How well has Illinois responded to Supreme Court indications that it considers abortion, gay marriage and other social issues to be state, not federal, responsibilities? What if anything needs to be done in these areas and what would you do to make your vision come to pass?

A: I think Illinois has done a good job in responding to these issues and in reflecting the feelings of the majority of citizens in the state. Obviously the resources in Illinois are being taxed as those in states around it come here for abortion services and Illinois tax payers cannot bear the financial brunt of that. Private organizations are going to need to step up on this issue, as many have done. I am proud to be from a state where gay marriage is legal and I will continue to support that. Love is love.