When discussing economic development and community growth in the Village, our decisions must benefit everyone. It's important that our actions today strengthen the foundation for all who call Sugar Grove home
Genevra Walters on a top priority for Kankakee: Community policing is a strategy that emphasizes building ties and working closely with members of the community to enhance public safety and trust in law enforcement
Sue Stillwell: I would like to restore a sense of a healthy community and peace. Sugar Grove has been very divided the past few years.
David Zinanni: The most glaring weakness of the Village of Bourbonnais governmental entity is administrative apathy and their persistent catering to special interest groups and friends of the administration and board
Jeff Keast: My top concerns are repairing the relationship between the Mayor’s office and law enforcement, addressing any gaps in resources for officers and preventing crime from escalating
Christopher Curtis on a top priority for Kankakee: Public Safety: This was the number 1 priority 4 years ago and will always remain the top priority. We will continue on the same path as the past 3 years, as it has been effective
David Boelk: We are improving our downtown and enhancing our parks to have a nice place for employees to want to live
Corine Burns: Changes worth considering in the D158 Medication policy include revising the requirement for both parental and physician authorization for administering over-the-counter medication, allowing only parental authorization instead
Sean Cratty: While I understand and support our medication policy, I believe that communication to our parents regarding our policy needs to be better
Rich Bobby on a top priority for Huntley District 158: Strengthening Special Education services and creating meaningful inclusion
Andrew Martin: I firmly believe it is important that student’s complete schoolwork without AI to improve their own knowledge base, mathematics and reading skills
Emmanuel Thomas: Balancing class sizes and current teaching staff is important. There should be no more than 12-16 students per teacher unless the teacher has an assistant.
John Bishof: I think cell phone usage should be prohibited during class time. Messages can be checked quickly between classes.
Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork? Rose McNaul: There's no stopping it's influence. So I'm not sure how to stop it.
Kristin Gehrels: The district, with input from teachers, needs to adopt an early reading curriculum that is used consistently at all elementary schools and focuses on phonics, comprehension, grammar, and writing