The Yorkville Knights of Columbus and the Yorkville American Legion are hosting a Lenten Fish Fry on every Friday during Lent at the Yorkville American Legion Hal.
With back-upped traffic causing daily travel headaches, a subdivision in Yorkville is getting a much-requested roadway to Route 47. The city is working with IDOT on a massive Route 47 expansion project.
Residents are one step closer to a safer pathway along Cannonball Trail in Yorkville. The multi-use pathway was first considered after several residents contacted city officials voicing their safety concerns, especially after a serious bicycling accident.
Batavia High School’s AP Computer Science Principles is earning a diversity award for achieving a high female participation rate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women represent just 26.9% of the 6.5 million jobs in the computer science industry.
The Plano Community School District recently honored 11 exceptional high school students who each were named State Scholars for their stellar academic work.
A Plano man has been arrested on charges of being in possession and disseminating child sexual abuse images.
The city is continuing its significant infrastructure investment, which lagged for several years after the Great Recession dampened the city’s coffers, in the form of the Road to Better Roads Program, the Local Road Program, and a strategic multi-year Pavement Management Plan.
The Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois, which provides services dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation from locations like the Beecher Center in Yorkville, is joining a nation-wide campaign to energize fundraising and volunteers.
The topography of Yorkville is in a shifting state. Families are moving in, subdivisions are expanding out, and agricultural fields are being converted from maize into a maze of manufacturing, data centers and solar farms. The city added $149 in value from construction in 2024.
Yorkville is a city in flux, ever-expanding, with a shifting identity and sense of purpose. The ‘State of the City’ with presentations on the 2025 budget and upcoming 2026 budget captured the dynamic developments happening throughout the community.
When Yorkville residents turn on their taps in a few years they might find something a little unsettling in their water coming from Lake Michigan. The city approved joining a national class-action lawsuit against four chemical producing corporations.
Yorkville School District 115 is in a capacity crisis and argues having the city throw a little extra money its way won’t solve the problem.
Construction in Montgomery is expected to begin on Wed, March 19. Residents and travelers are being advised to be prepared for the construction to impact their commute, involving changes in the roadway travel directions and pattern.
With schoolchildren darting between cars and traffic backing up down the street, residents and city officials agreed something needed to be done to improve safety outside of Grande Reserve Elementary School in Yorkville.
When its grand opening arrives, Yorkville’s first-ever QuickTrip gas station convenience store really wants to announce its presence along Route 47.