Anniversary Announcements
Wedding anniversaries are printed free in the Life & Arts section for couples married 25 years or more, in increments of five years (25th, 30th, 35th).
• Photos need not be submitted, but should be studio-quality black and white or high-quality color if they are submitted. If the reproduction quality is inadequate, the photo will not be published. Only one photo will be printed.
If you already have an announcement composed, you may send it either in the body of an e-mail or as an attachment to Please include a name and contact information for the person submitting the announcement, in case clarification is needed.
If you would like to submit a picture with your announcement, you may either include it in the e-mail as an attachment or drop it off at the Bureau County Republican office at 800 Ace Road, Princeton. Items may also be mailed to the BCR at P.O. Box 340, Princeton, IL 61356. For questions or further clarification, contact Rita Roberts at 815-875-4461, ext. 6333, or at
• Photos need not be submitted, but should be studio-quality black and white or high-quality color if they are submitted. If the reproduction quality is inadequate, the photo will not be published. Only one photo will be printed.
If you already have an announcement composed, you may send it either in the body of an e-mail or as an attachment to Please include a name and contact information for the person submitting the announcement, in case clarification is needed.
If you would like to submit a picture with your announcement, you may either include it in the e-mail as an attachment or drop it off at the Bureau County Republican office at 800 Ace Road, Princeton. Items may also be mailed to the BCR at P.O. Box 340, Princeton, IL 61356. For questions or further clarification, contact Rita Roberts at 815-875-4461, ext. 6333, or at