Senior Spotlight>Cassidy Peterson (Bureau Valley High School)

Name: Cassidy Peterson

School: Bureau Valley High School

Birthday: June 20, 2005

Hometown: Walnut.

Family: Two older brothers, Colton and Caje, Mom: Valerie, Dad: Corey

Sports/Activities: Golf

Nickname: From Coach Wilcoxen - “Little Pete”

Favorite sport: Love watching snowboarding.

Favorite food: Jimmy John’s Summer Thai Chicken Wrap.

Cassidy Peterson

Likes: My cat, plants, kraft mac & cheese.

Dislikes: Wearing hats, school food.

Greatest influence on athletic career: My dad, because he coaches me well.

Greatest influence on my life: My grandma.

Dream celebrity prom date: Jackie Chan,

Historic figures I like to meet: Amelia Earhart (ask where she’s hiding), and Martin Luther King Jr.

If stranded on a deserted island I would have my: Cat

Last song I listened to: Mister Glassman.

People would be surprised to know: That I do talk.

I stay home to watch: Avatar the Last Airbender.

When I need luck for a big game, I: Wear fun socks

Funniest person I’ve ever met: My dad, because I like dad jokes.

My most embarrassing moment: Too many.

What i would like to do in life: Be able to travel the world.