Five outstanding retired professionals who were awarded with the honorary title of emeritus status in February were recognized during the Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees meeting Wednesday.
Tickets for IVCC’s Theatre Department production of “Hello, Dolly!” are now on sale.
Applications became available Monday, March 17, for two scholarships to be awarded to Illinois Valley Community College students who will transfer to Northern Illinois University to study accounting or STEM coursework.
Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees will meet at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, in the Board Room (C-307).
Livia Vohland was selected as the District 1 FFA Discovery Star in Agriscience based on her Agriscience Research project centering around tomato breeding and genetics.
Illinois Valley Community College’s Continuing Education Department will offer a four-session Computer Basics and Internet Safety class from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays, March 21 through April 11.
John F. Kennedy School in Spring Valley released its high honor roll for the second trimester of the 2024-2025 school year.
What life is like for retired IVCC President Jerry Corcoran
For the Fall 2024 semester, the following students were named to the Presidential Honors list at Illinois Valley Community College.