Princeton High School announces 2023 top 10

Alexia Bouslog has earned Salutatorian and Kailey Patterson has earned Valedictorian

Princeton High School has announced its top 10 for the 2022-2023 school year. The top 10 includes Sadie Thornton, Veronica Tirao, Isabella Whitfield, Alexia Bouslog (Salutatorian), Claire Grey, Christian Rosario, Lily Keutzer, Kailey Patterson (Valedictorian), Allie Leone and Robert Nelson.

Princeton High School has announced its top 10 for the 2022-2023 school year. The top 10 includes Sadie Thornton, Veronica Tirao, Isabella Whitfield, Alexia Bouslog (Salutatorian), Claire Grey, Christian Rosario, Lily Keutzer, Kailey Patterson (Valedictorian), Allie Leone and Robert Nelson.

Thornton is the daughter of Phil and Marie Thornton and will attend Western Illinois University and will study to become a music educator.

Tirao is the daughter of Reynard Sr. and Virginia Tirao. She plans to study to be a social worker or a teacher.

Whitfield is the daughter of Jeremy and Victoria Whitfield. She will attend the University of Illinois to attain her degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She will continue with her education to become a neurosurgeon.

Bouslog is the daughter of Jessica Mendlovitz. She will attend Kansas State University with the intent to dual major in Psychology and Biology. She plans to be a licensed clinical psychologist.

Grey is the daughter of Thomas and Carmen Grey. She will stude pre-physical therapy at Taylor University while cheering on their competitive cheer team.

Rosario is the son of Norman and Caroline Rosario. He will attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in Kinesiology in order to become a physical therapist.

Keutzer is the daughter of Steven and Michelle Keutzer. She will attend Indiana State University and study in the Aviation Flight Technology program.

Patterson is the daughter of Mike and Jaime Patterson. She will attend the University of Alabama and major in Music Education.

Leone is daughter of Mindy Fritz and Brian Leone. She plans to attend Illinois Valley Community College.

Nelson is the son of Lisa Sims and Robert Nelson. He will attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to study engineering.