The Spring Valley City Council approved on Monday a $7,500 business redevelopment grant for Steve Lamis Edward Jones to renovate the property at 222 E St. Paul St.
The Spring Valley City Council has approved the construction of a concession stand and restrooms in the downtown Mini Park.
After years of trying, the Spring Valley Park Board has secured a carnival for the June 19-22 Summerfest.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday announced that the city has come to an agreement with the 10/33 Ambulance Service to maintain that service moving forward, possibly initiating a significant sales tax increase.
The Spring Valley City Council gave its stamp of approval to the purchase of a water main and sewer camera and the monitor that goes with it, assuring the street department will have the tool on-hand in case of emergency.
Spring Valley will receive a $600,000 OSLAD grant to help it build new ball diamonds near JFK school.
The city of Spring Valley is looking into a partnership with an international company that would not only help it trim its energy and infrastructure costs, but also help it find the money to pay for it.
Jim Dabler saw something in his neighborhood he thought could be better and he did something about it.
The City of Spring Valley is weighing options involving federal grants advocated by the nonprofit Trees Forever.