“That video makes me look like a clown. I’m not a bad person.”
— John French, Spring Valley candidate for mayor
SPRING VALLEY — Spring Valley mayoral candidate John French said he’s not happy he lost his temper during Monday’s City Council meeting, but he said it’s not entirely his fault.
French addressed the alleged theft of his political signs during the public comment portion of the meeting, believing there to be 300 stolen, he said.
French believes his political opponents for mayor are the culprits. French got into a heated exchange with Mark Venegas, who is one of five candidates in the city’s mayoral race. Edward Jauch, Melanie Malooley Thompson and Frederick Frank West also are running for the city’s mayor post in the April 6 election.
Both Venegas and French were warned by the mayor and council to tone it down, at which time Venegas stepped out of the meeting momentarily, while French continued to speak out, including against two seated aldermen and Mayor Walt Marini, who is not running for re-election.
French said in a Tuesday interview things got heated because Venegas was sitting behind him “egging him on” by making comments to him about previous altercations over his signs. Venegas declined comment, saying he wanted to move forward from Monday’s meeting.
French said he wants to appeal to residents why he’s upset.
“That video makes me look like a clown,” he said. “I’m not a bad person.”
French said the night before the meeting, an unnamed man, who he said is an associate of Venegas, threatened he and his wife, ending in a 911 call.
French also said he was not escorted out of the meeting as was reported by Shaw Local News Network Monday night, saying Spring Valley Police Chief Adam Curran left the meeting with him to discuss the investigation into the theft allegations. In a video recorded and shared by Shaw Local News Network, Curran is heard instructing French repeatedly “public comment is over” as he walks behind him to the council chambers’ exit.
Curran confirmed Tuesday his department has an open investigation in regard to the political signs and all claims are being “thoroughly and properly investigated.”
“We will investigate using witness statements, surveillance and whatever tools we have available to us to determine the accuracy of these claims,” Curran said. “Mr. French has identified other mayoral candidates when asked if he has an idea who may have done it. It is our job to prove or disprove it. If our investigation is able to identify anyone it will be up to Mr. French to decide whether to pursue charges.”
Curran said he was unaware until the meeting the number of signs French said he lost is 300, but he said his signs are not an isolated target as there have been claims of other signs removed from properties.
Curran said he is aware of a disturbance call involving the Frenches and a person unknown to him on Sunday night. He said he discussed with French whether he wanted to pursue charges because “the situation described to him sounded like circumstances that could merit possible charges.”
The chief also responded to a statement French made during the meeting the mayor had targeted French for ordinance tickets because of his business equipment being parked on city streets. French has been working with the council for several months to make arrangements to park his heavy equipment in a lot he bought near Spring Valley Ford after residents complained about the safety of him parking heavy equipment in residential neighborhoods.
Curran said at no time was he instructed by the mayor to give tickets to French as retaliation, he was notified French’s 90-day extension by the city to allow the parking was reaching its expiration. After that date, Curran was told French could be cited.
Marini confirmed Tuesday his only instruction to Curran was to note the agreed upon date for French’s equipment to be on the streets was coming to an end Monday, March 29.
Additionally, Marini refuted French’s allegations at the meeting the mayor hired candidate Melanie Thompson to run against French as part of a personal vendetta.
“That is totally untrue,” Marini said. “I didn’t get Ray Ferrari to run against Ken (Bogacz) last election (another statement French made Monday night) and I did not hire Melanie to run against (French) in this election.”