PHS principal Andy Berlinski says ‘we’re off to a good start, better than I would’ve hoped’

Princeton High School

Principal Andy Berlinski told the Princeton High School Board at Wednesday’s meeting that they are off to a great start to the new school year as everyone transitions back to a sense of normalcy.

Outside of having two early dismissals due to the heat this week, it’s been more like normal, he said.

“We’ve now finished six days of the school year. I would say it’s been a very positive year, even better than I would have expected and could have hoped with everybody coming back,” he said.

“Kirk’s (superintendent Haring) mentioned several times we’re transitioning back to normalcy, maybe a little long term, going from part-time last year to full-time this year, no major issues, concerns. I think the biggest issue is helping kids remember how to open lockers, because they haven’t had to do it in 18 months.”

Berlinski thanked the PHS students and staff for coming back in with a positive attitude.

“I think that’s where everyone’s at. We’re just happy to be back, full-time, full days,” Berlnski said. “It was awesome to back to 2:45 (dismissals) and kids getting on a bus and not doing part-time stuff at home.”

“I think we’re back to the way it was to prior school years. Knock on wood, we don’t get any high (COVID-19) spikes or anything like that.”

Berlinski also reported on the Year 1 day for freshman orientation held Tuesday, Aug. 10, which wasn’t held last year. The freshmen met in groups in person with their student mentors, who Berlinski said did a “fantastic job” preparing the day’s events and getting the kids what they needed to get the school year off to a great start. Berlinski also thanked faculty advisors Candace Fetzer and Jennifer Wagner for their support.

Institute Day was held Tuesday, Aug. 17, Berlinski said, “another positive day to get back to a sense of normalcy, something we lost last year at the beginning of the year.”

Finance report

The board approved the Tentative FY22 Budget, which showed a total of $8,140,396 in revenue with expenses of $8,594,700. Haring said it’s very similar to what it’s been last couple years and he doesn’t anticipate it changing too much. He is still waiting for some numbers from the state.

The FY22 Budget will be put on public inspection for 30 days. A hearing for the FY22 Budget was set for 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, prior to the start of the next scheduled board meeting.

New foreign exchange student

Nike Doose was approved as a foreign exchange student. She will be staying with the Eric and Heather Heaton family of Princeton and expected to start classes Monday, Berlinski said. She is PHS’ second foreign exchange student from Germany this year.

Personnel moves

The appointments of Trent DeVenney (volunteer golf coach), Betsy Kammerer (assistant girls tennis coach), Richard Klieber (custodian), Gary Passmore (director of drama) and Joan Simpson (fall play director) were all approved as was the resignation of Passmore as fall play director.

Activities Director Jeff Ohlson reported that numbers are down across the board in fall sports, especially at the underclass level, and not sure why.