Bureau County United Way celebrates successful 2022 campaign

Board comes together to recognize community and member contributions

The Bureau County United Way is once again celebrating a successful campaign season, having reached its donation goal for the second year under the leadership of Executive Director Victoria Yepsen.

Yepsen said the BCUW Board and agency members gathered at the Elowen Room on N. Main in Princeton to share a meal in celebration of its cause and to show appreciation for individuals and organizations that went above and beyond during the 2022 campaign.

“It was a joy to see each of the agency member leaders and volunteers conversing at the table after the last couple of COVID years of not being able to be together in one room,” Yepsen said. “We laughed, I happy-cried and we toasted to a new year of raising funds for our community’s superheroes”.

During the meeting, the United Way awarded individuals and institutions for their contributions over the course of the campaign year.

The Community Partner Award was awarded to Heartland Bank & Trust; Board Member of the Year was Sara Hudson; Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Tyler McCombs; the Hustle Award went to Kelly Morris and Agency of the Year was awarded to Gateway Services.

Two Awards of Appreciation were given, to Chris & Mary Kieffer who raised a combined total of $30,320 over 2021-22 Campaigns and to Marquis Energy of Hennepin.

CUW was a recipient of their Holiday Match Program which raised $26,964. The Outstanding Agency Member was awarded to Gateway Services

“COVID brought on its challenges for everyone, but it forced BCUW to come up with new fundraising ideas,” Yepsen said. “We set a goal to try to host smaller-scale & covid-friendly fundraisers each month and all of the small things made a big difference together -- for example, we introduced our Text to Give program by doing Giveaways on Facebook. We also collaborated with small businesses on Main Street throughout the year.”

The end of the year wrapped up at Hornbaker Gardens with an annual beer & wine tasting. Being able to celebrate in person with all of the community supporters is something Yepsen said was once of the biggest successes of the year.

“We can’t forget about our behind the scenes supporters,” Yepsen said. “The impact of our Mail Campaign brings in about 22% of our annual goal. We are so grateful for each donation, whether it’s $5 or $50, together the impact is great and each dollar matters.”

The Bureau County United Way supports health and human services agencies within the Bureau County Communities. To donate or for more information, go to https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/illinois/bureau-county-united-way.