Princeton High School announces 2022 commencement awards

Awards were announced during Saturday’s graduation

The 2022 class of Princeton High School pose for a final class picture prior to Saturday's commencement ceremonies at Prouty Gymnasium. One hundred and twenty seniors received their diplomas.

Princeton High School conducted its 2022 graduation ceremony May 21, with 120 students receiving diplomas. During the ceremony, the school presented various commencement awards.

The Justus Stevens Templeton and Anne Gridley Templeton Awards were presented to Jackson Dressler and Courtney Atkinson. They are given each year to the senior boy and girl who are voted by their classmates to be the best citizens. Points taken into consideration are leadership, initiative, service, loyalty, self-discipline, ability to get along with people and devotion to duty.

The Lillian Hoover Memorial Award was presented to Mark Williams Jr. This award is given to the senior student who has shown the best achievement in science, biology, chemistry and physics.

The Kevin F. Jensen Memorial Award was presented to Mark Williams Jr. This award is given to the most outstanding senior mathematics student.

The Roger Isaacson Award was presented to Madelynn Neff and Brandon Stopka. This award is given to the junior boy and girl showing the most scholastic improvement over the previous year.

The Donnabelle Fry Scholarship was presented to Andrea Imsland. This award is presented to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding musicianship, leadership and loyalty in the Princeton High School Choral Department and who will continue to pursue his or her education in the field of music.

The Mary Kaar Juettemeyer (Class of 1922) English Award was presented to Hannah Muehlschlegel. This award is given to the senior student who plans to enroll in college with a major in English. She has shown deep interest in the field of language arts, is able to interpret literature and is proficient in expressing thoughts and concepts in the oral and written form.

The American Legion Award was presented to Hannah Muehlschlegel and Reid Orwig. This award is given to the senior girl and boy voted by their classmates to have been outstanding school and community citizens.

The Ozella Seward Music Scholarship was presented to Courtney Atkinson. This award is given annually to a music student of the senior class selected as the most promising music student and who intends to continue his or her music training and education beyond the high school level.

The All-Around Achievement Award by the H.A. Clark Fund was presented to Katie Bates and Mark Williams Jr. This award is given to the senior boy and girl who have made the best all-around achievement for their entire high school career. Selection is made by a faculty vote, taking into consideration the following attributes: character, dependability, scholarship, physical development, athletic skill, popularity, leadership, initiative and practical usefulness to the school and community.