Bureau Valley names Homecoming Court, sets Theme Days

MANLIUS - Bureau Valley High School has announced its 2022 Homecoming Court.

Freshman attendants are Zackary Wiggim & Ashlyn Maupin.

Sophomore attendants are Brock Rediger & Carly Reglin.

Junior attendants are Robert Novak & Makenna Maupin.

Senior girls are Olivia Davis, Izabel Wallace, Camryn York

Senior boys are Cameron Lillie, Parker Stier, Sam Rouse

Theme Days have been set leading up to Friday’s Homecoming game with Sterling Newman.

Monday will be PJ Day.

Tuesday will be Tiny Tots Dress Like a Toddler Day.

Wednesday will be Career Day.

Thursday will be Class Color Day (Seniors - black; juniors - pink; sophomores, red; freshmen - yellow; staff - blue).

Friday will be Storm Pride Day (Wear your BV gear).

The remaining Homecoming schedule will be:

Thursday, September 22

• Speed Floats: Each class, organization, club, team will have the challenge of putting together a float immediately after school Thursday. Participants will provide the hay rack, truck, etc. The winning float will be recognized Friday night.

• Parade from Manlius Lutheran Church ending at BVHS football field. Line up begins at 5:30 p.m. Parade starts at 6 p.m.

• A pep rally and bonfire will be held on the football field following the parade

Friday, September 23

2 p.m. - Pep rally in the outdoors/gym.

7 p.m. - Football game against Newman

Saturday, September 24

Dance in the BVHS Commons begins at 7 p.m. ends at 10 p.m.