Princeton Electric and Telecommunications Department earns safety award

Princeton earned a first-place safety

Accepting the IMUA First Place Safety Recognition Award from IMEA/IMUA/IPEA President & CEO Kevin Gaden (far right) is City of Princeton Electric & Telecommunications Superintendent Jeff Mangrich (left)

The City of Princeton Electric and Telecommunications Department was recently recognized by the Illinois Municipal Utilities Association for having earned a first-place safety award.

Princeton received this honor through its division in the 2022 American Public Power Association’s Safety Awards of Excellence competition.

As a long-time participant in IMUA’s monthly safety and training program, Princeton earned the first-place award in the APPA’s Group C Division for having zero incidence rate throughout 2021 for systems with 30,000 to 59,900 worker hours of exposure.

Princeton was one of six IMUA Member municipalities statewide to earn the award and one of 138 public power utilities nationwide to be recognized for safe operating practices during the past year.