Right now I’m fighting an urge to pull out some old LPs or maybe my 45s. But I will put that off for now ... so I can tell you why.
State Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, chair of the House Transportation: Rail Systems, Roads & Bridges Committee, is heading into the transit funding discussions armed with an inch-and-a-half-thick binder filled with CTA salary data.
OK. I must tell you about my fingernail. The right hand, thumbnail to be exact.
Roger Cannon was a humble, quiet leader and scoring machine for the Neponset Zephyrs in the mid-60s. He went on to a highly successful coaching career at Marengo High School. Cannon, who passed away on March 6, will be posthumously inducted into the IBCA Hall of Fame on May 3.
Advocates say a major storm is brewing that could overwhelm the state’s child foster care system.
Princeton coach Jason Smith became emotional following Friday’’s 49-43 loss to Rock Falls, which marked the third straight year the Tigers reached the sectional final only to lose: 'That’s three years in a row. I felt like I let my team down.'
When I spill out thoughts and personal observations each week I sometimes feel like the great pretender. Or perhaps the better word is “wimp.”
The latest report from the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability shows that spending on “core” state services in the governor’s proposed fiscal 2026 budget will be 9.1% less in real dollars than it was in fiscal 2000.
Oh, the things people will do for money. And television lets us watch them.