DeKALB – The odds of having a Leap Day baby are 1 in 1,461, or about 0.06%. But a lucky Sycamore couple defied those odds Thursday and welcomed baby Riley at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital in DeKalb.
Riley Grace Wohlhart arrived healthy at 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 inches long to parents Dana Crawford and Kevin Wohlhart of Sycamore, according to a news release sent Friday from Northwestern Medicine.
The couple said they’re thrilled to have Riley join their family and have a special birthday, and for their two sons, Colton and Connor, to have a baby sister.
Riley’s middle name, Grace, was chosen in homage to her great-grandmother, according to the release.
Crawford, who works as a triage nurse at Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital Cancer Center, has delivered all three of her children at Kishwaukee Hospital.