Letter: Motorists should pay attention to school bus safety

Letter to the Editor

I want to express my concerns about school bus safety, especially since I ride the school bus to school everyday.

Do you know what the most dangerous part about riding a school bus is? It’s actually the bus stop. Children have the most risk of injury when getting on and off the school bus. Do you know why that is? It’s because of motorists illegally passing a stopped school bus.

When a bus has its yellow flashers on, it warns motorists to slow down and to prepare to stop. It does not mean that you can pass the bus. I have witnessed motorists passing a slowing down bus on the highway!

Also, when a school bus comes to a complete stop with its stop sign out, motorists on the opposite side of the road are to stop too. The only time you can pass a school bus is if they do not have their yellow or red lights on, the stop sign is not out, or if the bus driver signals the motorist to pass.

I am asking motorists to please pay attention to the school buses and to help keep the children safe!

Liam Miller


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