‘Young Picasso’ program, Kathleen Kelly Weisser new artist of the month at Sycamore gallery

Kishwaukee Valley Art League Gallery on State to host August events

(Left to right); Black-and-white woodblock printmaking artwork created by Alfred Stark, acrylic painting created by KVAL artist Kathleen Kelly Weisser, and "Young Picasso's" Kids Summer Art Program artwork examples

SYCAMORE – The Kishwaukee Valley Art League will host several events and programs in August at Gallery on State, 322 W. State St., Sycamore.

The league’s next general meeting is set for 7 p.m. Aug. 1. The meeting includes a black-and-white woodblock printmaking demonstration by artist Alfred Stark. Admission is free.

The KVAL “Young Picasso’s” Kids Summer Art Program will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays at the gallery. Children can create their own art or color provided subject matter. An art supplies table will be provided. Children ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is free.

The gallery’s next art rotation began mid-July. The artwork can be viewed or bought Tuesdays through Saturdays through mid-October.

The featured artist of the month at Gallery on State for August is Kathleen Kelly Weisser, whose work focuses on different stages of a woman’s life. She also paints inspired by nature and wildflowers, according to KVAL. She often uses acrylics, graphite pencil, charcoal and wire sculpture. A licensed clinical social work, Weisser facilitates what she calls Women’s Expressive Art Groups, creating art as a means of self-expression.

Her work will be on display in the gallery’s east window and adjoining wall.

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