Daily Chronicle

Wilson: Let’s welcome NIU students back to DeKalb

Join us at Campus Meet Community on Sept. 4; Organizations wanting to participate should register by Aug. 28

I love DeKalb! We always have “big city amenities with small town heart.” I love living here and I can drive seven minutes from my house to most stores or five minutes to get to a cornfield!

Growing up in a rural farm town in central Illinois, this was important to me as a transplant; especially when back home my best friends lived 15 minutes away, and the closest Walmart and my junior college were at least 35 minutes away.

As a student, I saw Northern Illinois University as an opportunity to learn for my future career, grow outside of my hometown, meet new people and experience new things. As a transplant into this community, I understand and have seen the importance of being welcomed.

It is because of the generosity of this community that I am here to this day. I feel welcome, loved and that I belong. People have opened doors to opportunities that were life-changing for me. It is because of the people here that I was able to “bloom where I was planted.” The friendships, the bosses, the coworkers, the volunteering opportunities and community involvement, and the jobs I’ve had have made me who I am.

DeKalb welcomes students from all over the nation, and even the world here, because of our university. You never know who may be coming through your door: Your next customer, your next intern, a future employee, a future resident for life, a new friend, etc. These students, faculty and staff are a vital part of our economy and the future of the longevity of this community.

Think of how we can help our future students. Welcome them, give them a chance, open the door for opportunities, allow them the gentleness to learn, the safe space to ask questions, be a friend, be a mentor. Please be patient, kind, and welcoming!

We want this community to be the best it can be. In the NIU fight song it says “Forward, together forward.” We must work together to make the greater DeKalb area the place where students can grow and thrive. These are the next generation of families, of volunteers, of taxpayers, of consumers, of workers, of business owners, etc. Let’s make DeKalb the place they are from.

If you would like to get your business or organization in front of students join us for Campus Meet Community on Sept. 4. Registration deadline is Aug. 28. More information at dekalb.org or call 815-756-6306.

  • Anna Wilson is membership manager at the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.