DeKalb High School enforced a ‘Secure and Teach’ safety measure Wednesday. What does that mean?

Officials say safety protocol, prompted by off-campus fight, was lifted within 10 minutes, normal activities resumed after

Shaw Local April 2020 file photo - DeKalb High School, 501 Dresser Road, DeKalb.

DeKALBDeKalb High School was prompted this week to take precaution because of what authorities said was an incident outside of its jurisdiction to help ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff.

On Wednesday, the high school, 501 W. Dresser Road, implemented a “Secure and Teach” protocol, which required everyone to stay in their current locations until further notice. Teachers continued their lessons.

In a letter to families, DeKalb High School principal Donna Larson notified them of the actions taken by the district.

“I want to assure you that at no point were any students in danger,” Larson said. “The situation was handled promptly and efficiently according to our safety protocols by the police and administration, ensuring the safety of everyone on campus.”

The district said the safety measure was lifted by school officials within 10 minutes and normal activities resumed in the building.

Deputy Police Chief Jason Leverton said it was all in response to the DeKalb Police Department receiving a tip from a parent about 2 p.m. Wednesday.

A fight was reported off school grounds to law enforcement authorities that had dispersed by the time police were dispatched to the Heatherstone subdivision off Dresser Road.

Leverton said authorities heard there was potential for the fight to regroup and for a knife to be pulled.

Police confirmed no knife was involved in the fight, however.

“Fortunately, there was no continued event,” Leverton said.

Leverton estimated there were several students involved in the fight.

“We believe they were [DeKalb High School] students, but the details aren’t certain,” Leverton said.

No arrests had been made in the incident as of Thursday. The fight remains under investigation by law enforcement authorities.

Leverton said there is usually increased police presence at the high school in the first week or two of classes.

He said there will be no more police officers around than usual the remainder of the week.

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