SYCAMORE – Sycamore City Council’s first meeting of the month was over in less than 7 minutes Monday. Here’s everything they accomplished in that time.
In an unanimous vote, the Sycamore City Council approved a resolution authorizing city officials to use motor fuel tax funds to prepare Sycamore roadways for wintery weather.
“This is a resolution we do each year,” Hall said. “Basically, what it is is to allow [the city] to take MFT money, the motor fuel tax, and to allocate $150,000 for salt for the year.”
Sixty-five seconds after approving the expenditure of motor fuel tax funds, Sycamore City Council gave city officials the go-ahead to use city funds to pay costs associated with the construction of a new Fire Station along South Prairie Drive.
That project was green lit in December 2024, when the City Council approved the city’s fiscal 2025 budget, but is expected to be funded through a $10 million bond.
“When you burrow money for capital projects you have to declare what you’re going to do with that money. It’s for the fire station that’s coming,” Hall said.
What was unanimously approved by city officials Monday will allow the city to pay for the project while waiting for the bond money to come in, according to city documents.
“If we don’t get the proceeds in time we will use some of our fund balance,” Hall said. “This simply allows us to pay ourselves back for that purpose.”
The city is working with Baird and has Chapman & Cutler LLP as their bond counsel for the project, according to city documents.
“Bond counsel recommended that we do this, and that’s as simple as it is,” Hall said.
Meeting business also regarding the city’s stormwater management plan. Hall said Illinois Environmental Protection Agency rules meant he had to present the plan to City Council.
“The IEPA requires us to do this each year for our license, for our stormwater plan to put together,” Hall said. “It is online, and we have to present this and report back to them that we presented it to the City Council and put it online for everyone to see.”