Here’s who’s on the 2025 April election ballot in DeKalb County

From townships to park boards and public libraries, candidates line up for office

Dan Walker and his wife Linda, from Sycamore, vote Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024, during the first day of early voting for the Nov. election at the DeKalb County Legislative Center in Sycamore.

A slew of candidates are hoping DeKalb County voters will back them in the April 1 consolidated election. Do you know who will be on your ballot?

Consolidated elections are known for low turnout rates. The 2021 election garnered a 14.59% turnout rate while the 2019 election had a 9% voter turnout rate. Regardless of how many people participate, consolidated elections determine who holds elected offices in more than 200 units of government across DeKalb County. Those officials can make decisions on how much you pay in property taxes, how to spend your tax revenue on roads, public services and education, and what kind of business and development comes to your town.

DeKalb County Clerk and Recorder Tasha Sims told Shaw Local News Network she believes consolidated elections are “uniquely and overly complex.”

“Since Township Officials are up for election every four years, this cycle tends to have a larger ballot,” Sims wrote. “Each Clerk from the various Units of Government acts as their Local Election Official, responsible for tracking positions up for election (including mid-term appointments) and providing candidate information to us for ballot preparation.”

As the election approaches, Sims' office is now focused on building ballots so that samples can be provided to voters. A DeKalb city-only Democratic election primary also will take place Feb. 25, with write-in candidate for DeKalb Mayor Linh Nguyen running for a spot on the April ballot. The municipal election is April 1.

Here’s who’s running for office this spring:

City of DeKalb

DeKalb mayor: incumbent Cohen Barnes, 7th Ward Alderman John. B. Walker, Kouame M. Sanan. If Linh Nguyen is successful in the primary, her name also will appear on the ballot.

City Clerk: Bradley Hoey, Lynn Fazekas and Steve Kapitan

Ward 2: Incumbent Barbara Larson, Michael Embrey

Ward 4: Justin Carlson

Ward 6: Incumbent Mike Verbic

Ward 5 two-year unexpired term: incumbent Andre Powell

City of Sycamore

Sycamore mayor: Incumbent Steven Braser

City Clerk: Incumbent Mary Kalk

Ward 1: Incumbent Alan Bauer

Ward 2: No one is competing for the Sycamore 2nd Ward Alderperson position.

Ward 3: Write-in candidate Marvin Barnes

Ward 4: Incumbent Virginia Sherrod and Robert W. Dancey

City of Sandwich

Sandwich mayor: Incumbent Todd K. Latham, Colton Otto, Rick Whitecotton

City Clerk: Denise II

City Treasurer: Sandra L. Koehler

Ward 1: Matt Chunn and Phyllis Wallington

Ward 2: Genelle Inman, write-in candidate Rebecca Johnson

Ward 3: Jay Ketchum

Ward 4: Write-in candidates Donald Danko and Rebecca Nelson

City of Genoa

Genoa mayor: Incumbent Jonathon Brust

City Clerk: Incumbent Rebecca Stevenson

Ward 1: Christopher Pulley

Ward 3: Courtney Winter

Ward 4: Dean Gudeman

No one is running for the open Genoa 2nd Ward Alderperson position.

Town of Cortland

Cortland mayor: Incumbent Mark Pietrowski Jr. and Douglas Corson

Township Clerk: Cheryl “Cookie” Aldis

Board of Trustees: Victoria Haier, Michael Siewierski, Jim Walker and Randi Olson

Village Hinckley

Hinckley Village President: Sarah Quirk

Board of Trustees (3 open spots): Brian Swicki

Village of Kingston

There are no candidates for village of Kingston president.

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Joseph M. Hengels, Bradley W. Edwards and Todd Holman

No one filed to run for two two-year unexpired Board of Trustee terms.

Village of Kirkland

Kirkland Village president: Ryan Block

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): John Michener, Sarah Ziegler and Erik Marshall

Village of Lee

Village President: Steven Carlock

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Justin Post, Mitchell D. Hamm, Amber Otterstrom and Garet Galbreath

Village of Malta

Malta Village President: Robert Iversen

Boar of Trustees (3 open seats): Tonia Groezinger, J.T. Peloso, and David Christopher Simon

Village of Maple Park

Village president: Christian Rebone

Board of Trustees: Brenda Jergens, Tammy Arneson and Christie Manis

Village of Shabbona

Shabbona Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Kallan Welsh, Joshua Snyder, Joy Fay, Allison Kidd Probst and Mark Stanley

Two-year unexpired term Board of Trustees: David Simpson and Frank Ottengheime

Village of Somonauk

Somonauk village president: Aaron Grandgeorge

Board of Trustees: Bradley Eade and Jonathan “Jake” Whiteaker

Village of Waterman

Waterman village president: Incumbent Peter Robinson and Anton G. Feitlich

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Raymond Calhoun, Sarah Radtke, Corey Wade and Taylor Edwards-Jay

Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District 424

Genoa school board (4 open seats): Dean Gudeman, David Cleveland, Max Jake Wesner, Amber Eberly and Aidan Simmons; Matt Krueg is running as a write-in.

Indian Creek Community Unit School District 425

School board (4 open seats): Graham James Gletty, Lynn Byington, Sarah Frazier and Emily Maxwell

Hiawatha Community Unit School District 426

School board (3 open seats): Ralph Ziegler, Timothy S. Hall, Andrew Lyons and Norma Rutigliano. No one is running for the board’s two-year unexpired term.

Sycamore Community Unit School District 427

Sycamore school board (4 open seats): Michael DeVito, Jonathan “Cole” Regnery, Eric N. Jones, Heather Tomlinson and Alan Zantout. Christian Copple is running for a two-year unexpired term.

Sycamore School Board referendum

Voters living within Sycamore school district will be asked again to weigh in on easing restrictions on school board candidates living in the area eligible to run for office. The referendum failed in November, but district officials opted to place it back on the ballot. Here is the question:

“Shall the members of the board of Education of Sycamore Community School District No. 427, DeKalb and Kane Counties, Illinois, be elected at Large and without restriction by area of residence within the school district?”

DeKalb Community Unit School District 428

DeKalb school board (3 open seats): Marilyn D. Parker, Jose Jaques, Nicholas Atwood, Brandon J Elion, James W Mitchell, Twangie Smith, Howard Solomon, Erin Grych, Kristin Bailey, Stephen Gaffney and Derek Shaw.

Mark Charvat is running unopposed as a write-in candidate for a two-year unexpired term.

Hinckley-Big Rock Community Unit School District 429

Hinckley school board (4 open seats): Donald Jack Haines, Greg Pritchard, Abigail Barret and Darrin Gengler

Sandwich Community Unit School District 430

Sandwich school board (3 open seats): John Morse, Erik D. Englehart, Candace Oropeza and Traci Griffin-Lappe

Somonauk Community Unit School District 432

Somonauk school board (4 open seats): Corey Britt, Michael A. Short and Norman Johnson

DeKalb Regional Board of School Trustees

No candidates for any open position, according to the DeKalb County Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

Kishwaukee Community College District 523

Board of Trustees (2 open seats): David Lilja and Catherine Hopkins

DeKalb Park District

Board of Commissioners (3 open seats): Douglas Eaton, Dag Grada, Michelle Foster, Tia Anderson and Dean Bourdages

Franklin Township Park Commissioner

(Two open seats): Garry Willit, Steven Boettger and Christopher Brantley. Jennifer Block is the only candidate for a four-year unexpired term.

Genoa Township Park Commissioner

Board of Commissioners (3 open seats): Cori Ritchie and Antonio Amaya

Kingston Township Park Commissioner

Dan Nellans is running as a write-in candidate for the lone Kingston Township Park Commissioner seat.

Sandwich Park District Commissioner

Board of Commissioners (2 open seats): Eric Terlep and Daniel Hoyt; Theresa Wagner Jourdan is the lone candidate seeking to fill a four-year unexpired term.

Brad Knepper is vying for one of two open two-year unexpired terms. No one else is running for the second open position.

Sycamore Park District Commissioner

Board of Commissioners (2 open seats): Victoria Books, Chad Jewett and Denise Ackmann

Clinton Township Public Library

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Patrice Walker

Katherine Austin is seeking to fill one of two unexpired terms. No one else is seeking the second unexpired term.

Cortland Library Township

Richard “Papa” Bliss is running unopposed to fill a two-year unexpired term on the Cortland Library board of trustees. No one filed to run for the two open board seats, and one four-year unexpired term.

Earlville Library District

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Deborah Larson, Kathleen Eager, Mary Bender and Stephanie Eller

Flewellin Memorial Library in Shabbona

Board of Trustees (2 open seats): Joy Fay

Flewellin Library District referendum

“Shall a public library district, to be known as the Flewellin Memorial Library District, be established in part of DeKalb County and in part of Lee County and under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, may an aggregate extension, not to exceed $90,000, be made for the 2025 levy year?”

Genoa Library District

Library trustee (2 open seats): Mary Keys and Steven Veeneman

No one else filed to run for two four-year unexpired trustee terms.

Hinckley Public Library

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Karen Yaggie and Carol Kohler

Pameal Bryant-Keown is the lone candidate for a two-year unexpired library trustee term.

Kirkland Public Library

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Rebecca Lamont, Marian Termini and Lola J. Bauer

No one is running for a 4-year unexpired term.

Malta Township Library

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Jennifer Garden, Stephanie Brezovic and Laura Chessman

No candidates filed for a two-year unexpired term.

Maple Park District Library

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Patricia Lunardon. Anne Signorella is the only candidate running for one of four two-year unexpired terms.

Sandwich District Library

Board of Trustees (3 open seats): Elsie Campbell Morrissey, Nancy Schroeder, Jane Wolf, Heather Lee, Matthew Jones and Sheila Thompson

No one filed to run for a single two-year unexpired term.

Somonauk Public Library District

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Christopher J. Gresk, Marilyn Abbott, Thomas J. Harmon, James Beal, Kathleen Rhoden, Gina Skofich and Kinsay Smith

Afton Township

Afton Township Supervisor: Incumbent Randall J. Bourdages

Township Clerk: Leslie Matekaitis

Highway Commissioner (1 seat): Nelson Hillquist.

No candidates filed for Afton Township Assessor

Township trustee (4 open seats): Jack Walket, Erick Christensen, Craig Donnelly, Julie Barr and Steve Schramm

Clinton Township

Clinton Township Supervisor: Incumbent Mary Ann Erickson

Township Clerk: Incumbent Janel L. Erickson

Highway Commissioner: Scott E. Hunt

Township Assessor: Susan Kauffman

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Jerald Hipple, Kip Anderson, David Erickson and James H. Wassmann

No one is running for three open Clinton Community Building board of managers positions.

Cortland Township

Township Supervisor: Incumbent Danee Walker

Township clerk: Incumbent Ann Swedberg

Road Commissioner: Incumbent Gaylord Lockwood

Township Board of Trustees: Incumbents Stephan Ward, Diane Bechle, Jeff Sabin and Ashley Hartmann

Township Assessor: Incumbent Melody Monroe

DeKalb Township

Township Supervisor: Incumbent Mary Hess and Jim Luebke

Clerk: Joan Watson-Protano

Highway Commissioner: Craig Smith

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Incumbent Nancy Bradlo, Katherine McLaughlin, incumbent Dale Thurman and Gregory Akers

Township Assessor: Incumbent Richard Dyer

Franklin Township

Township Supervisor: Vincent Kilcullen

Clerk: Emily Mains is the only candidate for Franklin Township Clerk.

No one is running for Franklin Township Assessor.

Highway Commissioner: Blake Bratcher.

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Jeff A Lane, James E Bruch, Barry Aves and Mark Wittwer

Genoa Township

Township Supervisor: James Hanson.

Clerk: Joe Paulson

Township Assessor: Pauline Ruchti

Highway Commissioner: Keith Butz

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Jim Kuhn, Paul Kuhn, Jeff Engel and Brian Wallace

Kingston Township

Township Supervisor: Incumbent Ken Peterson, Kristine Arsenault and Deborah L. Todd

Clerk: Chuck Sanderson

Township Assessor: Incumbent Rachel Graf

Highway Commissioner: Incumbent Steven F Dombrowski.

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Ron Stojan, Scott Sanford, James Pearson and Tod Todd

Malta Township

Malta Township Supervisor: Thomas H. Plote is running unopposed to be Malta Township Supervisor.

Clerk: Mark E. Gommel

No one is running to be Malta Township Assessor.

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Adrian Butler, Edward Arndt, Justis Willrett, Kenneth R. Stark

Mayfield Township

Township Supervisor: Dale Sanderson

Clerk: Cheryl Sanderson

No one is running to be Mayfield township Assessor

Highway Commissioner: Bradley Driscoll

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Kevin Drake, Ryan Drake, Betsy Koehnke and Timothy Hall

Milan Township

Township Supervisor: James P. Murphy

Clerk: Stacy Johnson

No one is running for Milan Township Assessor.

Highway Commissioner: James Govig

Board of Trustees (1 open seat): Heath Headley, Joseph P. Herrmann, Steve Drendel, Rodney Kyler

Paw Paw Township

Township Supervisor: Amanda K. Hawk

Clerk: Wayne A. Davey

No one is running for Paw Paw Township Assessor.

The only candidate for Paw Paw Township Assessor is Jerry A. Burke.

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Gary V. Frieders, Neal F. Rogers, Donald. E. Sellers and Judith L. Svendsen

Pierce Township

No one filed to run for Pierce Township Supervisor or Assessor.

Clerk: Patricia Wielert

Highway Commissioner: Greg Friedlund

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Robert M. Coyle, Dan Klein, Brad Cessna and Ronald Ness

Sandwich Township

Township Supervisor: No one’s name will appear on the ballot, but Dennis J. Miller and Ashley Murphy filed as write-in candidates.

Clerk: Starr Frederick

Assessor: Jim Miller and Sheila A. Johnson

Highway Commissioner: Robert D Davis Jr. Jerry Osland also had filed to run, but he died Feb. 2, according to his obituary. His name will not appear on the ballot out of respect for him, according to the county clerk’s office.

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Jeremy Moss, Larry Hake, Mark Weismiller and Ryan Claymor Moody

Shabbona Township

Township Supervisor: Grant Bend

Clerk: Melanie Berg

No one is running for Shabbona Township Assessor.

Highway Commissioner: Gene Larson

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Morgan Buchholz, Rnady Nehring, Kenneth “Mark” Flewellin and Greg S. Fleming

Somonauk Township

Township Supervisor: Barry Smith

Clerk: Christopher P. Morphey

No one is running for Somonauk Township Assessor.

Highway Commissioner: Aaron Stahl

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Christopher Frederick, Kyle R. Reuter and Charles C. Kessler

South Grove Township

Township Supervisor: Lisa Bergeron and Barbara Koehnke

Clerk: Dawn E. Carlson

No one is running for South Grove Township Assessor.

Highway Commissioner: Durand Pigott

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Darrel W. Kingsnorth, James Hutcheson, Brian McQueen and Timothy Gulotta

South Grove Township referenda

South Grove Township voters will be asked two questions related to taxes on their ballots:

“Shall South Grove Township, Illinois be authorized to levy a new tax for IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) purposes and have an additional tax of 0.2181% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein extended for such purposes?”

Second referendum:

“Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation for South Grove Township, Illinois be increased by an additional amount equal to 7.8% above the limiting rate for the purpose of IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) for levy year 2025 and be equal to O.30039% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for the levy year 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028.”

Squaw Grove Township

Township Supervisor: Elizabeth Koenig

Clerk: Karen Kuppler

Township Assessor: Katrina Moyer

Highway Commissioner: Andrew Bark, Joshua P. Jungels and Peter Niles

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): George Bullard, Linda M. Herrmann, John Long and Steven Navalany

Sycamore Township

Township Supervisor: Amy L. Mathey

Clerk: Kathleen I Lampkins

Township Assessor: Kevin Schnetzler

Highway Commissioner: William J Powers

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Terri Lozier, James Holliday, Kevin Wynn and George Diedrich

Victor Township

Township Supervisor: Mary Kohler

Clerk: Bradley G. Anderson

Highway Commissioner: Mark Coultrip

Board of Trustees (4 open seats): Matthew Nisbet, Kevin Sawyer, Jacques Wesson and Kelly Palmatier

Hampshire Fire Protection District

Board of Trustees (2 open seats): Steven L Gustafson and Edward “Eddie” Saunders

Leland Fire Protection District

Board of Trustees (1 open seat): Karen L Short

Sandwich Fire Protection District

Board of Trustees (1 open seat): Judd Webber, Justin Gifford, Bill Novicki and Jacob Johns

Multi-Township Assessors

Afton and Pierce townships: Jay W. Walker

Somonauk and Victor townships: Dean Lundeen

No candidates filed to run for Multi-Township Assessor for Malta and Milan townships, Mayfield and South Grove Townships, and Paw Paw and Shabbona townships.

Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated who was running for village president in Maple Park and Malta. Robert Iverson is running for village president in Malta, and Christian Rebone is running for village president in Maple Park.

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