2025 Election Questionnaire: Justin Carlson, DeKalb City Council, Fourth Ward

A voter shows off his “I Voted” sticker on Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, after voting at the Algonquin Township Office at 3702 US Hwy 14, in Crystal Lake.


Justin Carlson

What office are you seeking?

City of DeKalb - Alderman 4th Ward

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Sales and Maintenance Representative for LM3 Technologies, Inc.

What offices, if any, have you previously held?




Campaign Website:



DeKalb High School

College of DuPage - Associates

IMSA Bench Technician Level 2

IMSA Construction Technician Level 2

IMSA Field Technician Level 2

IBEW Local 9 Fiber Optic Cable Splicing & Installation

Community Involvement:

Former Board of Directors Member:

Ramp (Regional Access & Mobility Project)

Cornfest - Treasurer


Marital status/Immediate family:

Not married, no children


What is your opinion of roundabouts as a means of traffic control/infrastructure improvement? Would you like to see more of these in DeKalb? Less? Why or why not?

As an IBEW 196 electrician, project coordinator and former electrical contractor owner that specializes in Traffic Signals & Street Lighting, I have worked more than half of my life on Illinois intersections and road safety. Roundabouts are a safe and long term cost effective solution for certain locations. I would like to see more roundabouts in DeKalb, because they are not affected by power outages, they require very little maintenance and they have a smaller up front cost and long term costs as opposed to a Traffic Signal Intersection. With that being said, I’m sure my Union will not like that I wrote this!

What is your opinion of the use of non-disclosure agreements between public government and private businesses? Do you believe they have a role in soliciting major corporations to the area? Why or why not? Please be specific.

I believe that NDA’s between public government and private businesses should be allowed to solicit major corporations, but with time limits and should exclude financial information and possible tax incentives. NDA’s for certain innovations and inventions should be protected.

Do you believe DeKalb’s crime-free housing ordinances are successful as they are now? Do you believe more could be done for DeKalb tenants in rental communities? Why or why not?

“More” can always be done with anything? I believe that the ordinances have been successful to date, but more information directly to the tenants is always needed.

In the past two years, the DeKalb City Council has earmarked additional funding in its fiscal budget which has gone to hiring for police and fire departments. The DeKalb Fire Department is building a fourth fire station on the south side. What is your opinion of first responder staffing in the city? Do you believe its adequate? Why or why not?

I believe that the DeKalb City Council has done an amazing job of earmarking additional funds for more police officers! I also 100% support the funding for the new Fire Department Building on Taylor Str.

The public’s safety is priority #1 every day and every year. Our Mayor and this Council recognized that and have backed it up by allocating the funds to lower crime and speed up response time.

Are you in support of recreational marijuana licenses for DeKalb businesses? Why or why not?

I am in full support of recreational marijuana licenses for DeKalb businesses. I believe that marijuana is a far better alternative than alcohol and is NOT a “gateway drug.” Marijuana offers many medicinal comforts to its users and offers tax benefits to this community.

Since 2020, DeKalb city leaders have pointed to industrial growth on the city’s south side (Meta, Ferrara Candy Co., Kraft Heinz, Amazon) as a way to lower taxpayer burden when it comes to property tax levies. What other ways, if elected, would you ease taxpayer burdens? Do you believe more could be done now? Why or why not?

If elected, I will work with my fellow Council Members to continue this unprecedented industrial growth on the south side, but also look at other areas of DeKalb for possible expansion. I will also work with the Council to uncover other cost cutting solutions to ease the burden of our tax payers. I’m hoping that my over 2 plus decades of working with local municipalities and the State will give me the opportunity to speak with and help “chew the fat off” of future projects in DeKalb.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

I have been a member of the Citizens Police Review Board for almost 4 years now. In that time I have realized that local law enforcement follow policies that mirror that of their State. It’s not the other way around. The State of Illinois and Federal Government would need to work together and cooperate with ICE....and then the City policies would follow.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

1.) Safety - continue investing in our Police departments and first responders.

2.) Lower taxes - continue lowering taxes through economic development and cost cutting initiatives.

3.) Infrastructure and maintenance - road paving and repairs, bridge repairs, water main replacements, etc.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Listen to the engineers and ask questions!

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

Work within the budget and offer my knowledge/background to help: pave and improve streets each year, perform regular maintenance and upgrades for buses, upgrade existing Traffic Signal intersections for optimized traffic flow and support the construction of additional roundabouts (where deemed acceptable). Also, I will speak with existing and potentially new residents and businesses regarding the previously approved TIF funds for the 4th street corridor.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

The City Council should support ALL local businesses and any ideas for economic growth. The Council’s role should be that of providing information, but also as steward’s for the community.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

The top public safety concern for any City should be crime. We live in a college town, but also have a lower cost of living in DeKalb vs the Chicago suburbs. I believe those 2 factors cause the majority of crimes in our City. The only effective way(s) to address crime is to hire enough police....while also trying to provide mental health awareness and programs. I would also like to see landlord’s perform background checks for all new residents looking to rent here.

Another top safety concern is speeding. I would address this issue with more flashing beacons on speed limit signs in residential areas, but also PTZ cameras at our busiest intersections. Both of these solutions are in lieu of a police presence, and both are not as expensive.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

I’d vote on it. That’s the only way anyone can “ensure” anything?

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

I do support this and provided this information so that I could run for Alderman. In order to run for elected office in DeKalb, you must provide this information with your submitted packet. I would keep it the same.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

I will provide my email for correspondence. Once I determine that the constituent is not a “bot” or a scam, I would then provide my cell # and/or address. I will also schedule 4th Ward community speaking events/”get together’s” at the DeKalb Township building located on S. Fourth St. Lastly, I would encourage anyone to approach me in public (as I’ve done for my entire life living in DeKalb). I’ve always been accessible to my fellow residents and that won’t change if I become an Alderman.

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