Michael Embrey
What office are you seeking?
Ward 2 Alderman
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Consultant, CEO & EAD - FunME Events Entertainment & Excursions
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Campaign Website:
Not complete
AA - William Harper Community
Undergraduate Studies - University of Illinois/Urbana
Classwork with the US Air Force
BMEd - Northern Illinois University
MSEd - Northern Illinois University
additional coursework for PHD - Northern Illinois University
Community Involvement:
DeKalb County CVB - Board of Directors
Destination DeKalb Tourism - Board President
Chicago SKAL Tourism - Past President Board of Directors
DeKalb Elks (Life Member), DeKalb American Legion (20 years), DeKalb 40&8 (10 years), AMVESTS (6 Y)
State of Illinois Veteran of the Year ‘21, ‘22, ‘24, and National Americanism for Veterans 2023.
Buglers Hall of Fame and TAPS for Veterans (member)
Marital status/Immediate family:
Candidate did not respond.
What is your opinion of roundabouts as a means of traffic control/infrastructure improvement? Would you like to see more of these in DeKalb? Less? Why or why not?
Roundabouts can be useful in the right situation. The roundabout south of town in the industrial area has been helpful with semi-trucks moving more efficiently. Having toured Europe multiple times, roundabouts are common and travelers (vehicles) accept this method of traveling.
What is your opinion of the use of non-disclosure agreements between public government and private businesses? Do you believe they have a role in soliciting major corporations to the area? Why or why not? Please be specific.
The growth south of I88 would not have happened without the non-disclosed information required on land acquisition and corporate (business) agreements. This legal document establishes a confidential relationship between two parties where sensitive information is required. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that the information remains protected and is not disclosed to unauthorized third parties until final details have been confirmed.
Do you believe DeKalb’s crime-free housing ordinances are successful as they are now? Do you believe more could be done for DeKalb tenants in rental communities? Why or why not?
DeKalb’s crime-free housing ordinances are needed to control the quality of living conditions for renters and landlords.
In the past two years, the DeKalb City Council has earmarked additional funding in its fiscal budget which has gone to hiring for police and fire departments. The DeKalb Fire Department is building a fourth fire station on the south side. What is your opinion of first responder staffing in the city? Do you believe its adequate? Why or why not?
The quality of first responders in our market area is important in promoting the living standards within the City of DeKalb. I am extremely supportive of additional staffing to meet the needs of the residences.
Are you in support of recreational marijuana licenses for DeKalb businesses? Why or why not?
The city can restrict the number of locations within reason. The State of Illinois has approved the use of both recreational and medical marijuana within the state, and communities can elect to be part or not of this offering. A better question would be what is the financial impact of these establishments to a community?
Since 2020, DeKalb city leaders have pointed to industrial growth on the city’s south side (Meta, Ferrara Candy Co., Kraft Heinz, Amazon) as a way to lower taxpayer burden when it comes to property tax levies. What other ways, if elected, would you ease taxpayer burdens? Do you believe more could be done now? Why or why not?
A major concern is the fees and demands for more money from the additional taxing bodies (library, park district, and school district). Too many of the tax-based agencies are not living within their means or making any efforts to reduce or control spending.
Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?
Sadly most people do not know the difference between, legal, illegal and undocumented immigrants that have committed ‘a’ or several serious criminal offenses.
What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?
1) Taxes
2) Infrasture (updates and repair)
3) Community Safety (crime)
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
The City needs a more holistic and realistic vision of how to accommodate an increasingly changing population while enhancing and ensuring sustainable economic development as well as being more aware of the livelihoods, quality of life and social cohesion of its residents while minimizing the communities’ immediate and long-term impact on the environment.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
More oversite of cost of goods and service and adjusting a ‘pay to play’ cost enhancement. Request an audit of ridership and value of service provided.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
The city should be ‘as’ or ‘more’ concerned about supporting existing local businesses and industries as they are about welcoming NEW economic growth. Reviewing what made DeKalb - DeKalb.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
Being tougher on crime (all areas) to help change the image of the city - which is less than acceptable.
More police and stricter laws.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
Review, evaluate, and promote high standards for city policies.
It has to be good for all sectors - business. industry, education and basic common sense.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
Yes, review and sign public documents that all city officials and employees must follow any and all ethical laws and requirements.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
Through a variety of meetings and being available to speak with all constituents.