Country singer, songwriter Sam Robbins to perform in Sycamore

Concert is March 23

SYCAMORE – The DeKalb County History Center will host a concert featuring country singer and songwriter Sam Robbins.

The concert will be at 4 p.m. March 23 at the history center, 1730 N. Main St., Sycamore.

Robbins will perform country and folk music. He appeared on “The Voice” in 2018 and graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2019. Robbins won the Kerrville Folk Festival New Folk contest in 2021 and the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival “Most Wanted to Return” artist in 2022. He recently released his third album, “So Much I Still Don’t See.”

Tickets cost $30 and are limited. To buy tickets, visit or

For information, call 815-895-5762 or email

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