Four candidates are asking voters for their support this spring as they compete for the DeKalb mayor’s seat.
Incumbent Cohen Barnes seeks reelection against 7th Ward Alderman John Walker and two candidates who are employed at Northern Illinois University: educator Linh Nguyen and IT support staffer Kouame Sanan.
The consolidated election is April 1. Early voting begins March 7. Readers can view more information on races throughout the county and read full candidate profiles at our Election Central webpage.
All candidates were asked the following question. Their answers have not been edited and are published in full.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
BARNES: The City of DeKalb plays a vital role in supporting local businesses and driving economic growth. I am proud to have led the city council to create a business-friendly environment that benefits both large and small enterprises. Local businesses are the lifeblood of our community, serving as a significant source of tax revenue, which enables the city and schools to provide top-quality services. Additionally, they are key employers and strong supporters of our non-profit community, contributing to the overall vibrancy of DeKalb. As a local business owner that employs over 25 people, I understand the importance of keeping DeKalb business friendly.
A thriving business community is directly linked to a thriving community as a whole. Therefore, it is crucial for the city council to have a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape and what is needed to foster growth and success. My extensive background—including serving as President of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, President of the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation, and now as Mayor of DeKalb for the past four years—has provided me with unique insights into local businesses and effective strategies for economic development.
During my tenure in these roles, we have witnessed over a billion dollars of investment in our community. This influx of capital has resulted in the creation of over 1,000 union construction jobs and more than 1,000 permanent jobs. Additionally, the increased tax revenue generated by these corporations has allowed us to significantly reduce city property taxes each year, easing the financial burden on our residents.
I am committed to continuing this momentum by fostering a supportive environment for local businesses, attracting new investments, and ensuring sustainable economic growth that benefits all residents of DeKalb.
WALKER: Well most in the area know that small businesses have been a fabric in our community. Most know these people have helped raise me into the man I am today working for them throughout the course of my twenty-seven years as a UPS driver. Now it depends upon the potential revenue that can be generated that will ultimately help . While I understand the purpose for the TIF district, it’s not the residents responsibility to fund business ventures with their tax dollars. I am all for local businesses without questions, I have daily interactions with local business owners. It’s a controversial topic and should be addressed.
NGUYEN: The city can build bridges between the needs of the community, facilitating public-private partnerships to increase the impact of all.
SANAN: The city council should be working with local businesses to help them find ways to save money, increase revenue and pass some of the savings on to their customers. The city council should also prioritize local businesses and encourage their constituents to spend locally.
Since 2020, DeKalb city leaders have pointed to industrial growth on the city’s south side (Meta, Ferrara Candy Co., Kraft Heinz, Amazon) as a way to lower taxpayer burden when it comes to property tax levies. What other ways, if elected, would you ease taxpayer burdens? Do you believe more could be done now? Why or why not?
WALKER: We always need to attain and retain commercial development. Now we always need to entertain new ways to pump revenue into our city, one way is to diversify and increase the property tax base. My team and I have a strategic and well thought out plan that is based off data and the resources and infrastructure we have already implemented here in DeKalb. Bringing more restaurants to the area as well as other retail businesses can pump revenue into the city. One thing we need to do is quit creating TIF districts so taxing bodies don’t have a reason to keep raising their levies. number one reason they give when its levy time is because they aren’t receiving the revenue they otherwise would be because of TIF they need raise levies.
SANAN: I believe that DeKalb city leaders have made good progress in reducing the tax burden through industrial growth on the city’s south side, but more can be done. Because homeowners, including myself, are still concerned about high property taxes. If elected, my plan would focus on creating a sustainable property tax system. First, I would ensure regular and fair assessments of property values so taxes reflect the current market. Second, I would introduce gradual tax rate adjustments, allowing property owners the opportunity to adjust their taxes and avoid sudden increases as rates change over time. Third, I would implement a property tax relief for seniors, low-income homeowners, and individuals with disabilities, helping protect them from losing their homes due to rising taxes. Lastly, I would cap or freeze property taxes for long-term homeowners, ensuring that those who have lived in their homes for more than thirty years aren’t taxed out of them.
NGUYEN: More can always be done to ease taxpayer burdens. Our airport is a tremendous opportunity that is underutilized. Investing more in it’s potential to be a regional hub could have a significant impact on reducing local taxpayer burdens. Further, I’d like to support small and medium sized businesses along with continuing to grow our tax base with international companies. Specifically, I’d improve access to capital for small and medium size businesses by establishing partnerships with local banks and developing microlending programs for startups and small expansion. Additionally, streamlining government services will reduce redundancy and reduce the tax burden on hard working families.
BARNES: I am incredibly proud of my direct involvement over the years in attracting major corporations such as Meta (Facebook), Ferrara Candy Co., and Kraft Heinz to the City of DeKalb. These companies have significantly contributed to our local economy and helped shift the tax burden away from residential property owners. It’s important to understand that simply bringing these businesses to DeKalb does not automatically lower property taxes. Achieving that requires strategic planning, ongoing collaboration, and a commitment to protecting our taxpayers. I am proud to have reduced the city’s property tax rate by over 35%.
To truly ease taxpayer burdens, I have consistently engaged in discussions with all taxing bodies in our area. Each year, I have met with these groups to explore ways to hold the line on property taxes, even as property values continue to rise. Normally, as property values increase, property taxes would also go up, placing a greater financial burden on our residents. However, by working together with the taxing bodies, we have been able to not only protect taxpayers from these increases but substantially reduce property tax rates.
This approach is guided by a philosophy of governance that prioritizes the taxpayer in all conversations about taxation. I firmly believe in this philosophy and have advocated for it throughout my time in office. For too long, DeKalb residents have shouldered a disproportionate share of the tax burden due to our community’s reliance on residential property taxes. In the past, our tax base was heavily dependent on the value of individual homes, which meant that homeowners bore the brunt of funding essential city services.
However, with the industrial growth on DeKalb’s south side and the attraction of major corporations, we are now achieving a better balance between commercial and residential property tax contributions. This shift has diversified our tax revenue sources, reducing the financial strain on homeowners while maintaining the resources needed for city services.
While we have made significant progress, there is still more to be done. One of the key ways we will continue to ease taxpayer burdens is by attracting more retail businesses and restaurants to DeKalb. Expanding our retail sector generates additional sales tax revenue, which helps pay for essential services such as road maintenance, public safety measures, and other community needs. By increasing our sales tax revenue, we can lessen our reliance on property taxes to fund these services.
Furthermore, my commitment to protecting taxpayers extends beyond just attracting new businesses. I am constantly exploring new and innovative ways to generate additional revenue, including pursuing grants, fostering public-private partnerships, and identifying other creative funding opportunities that benefit our community.
I am dedicated to finding balanced solutions that promote growth and economic development while safeguarding the financial well-being of our residents. My track record clearly demonstrates my commitment to this issue, and I will continue to prioritize easing taxpayer burdens if re-elected.