Sycamore Middle School to hold 38th annual Science Olympiad on March 20

Buses full of Sycamore Middle School students depart the school parking lot Friday, Sep. 17, 2021 at the end of the school day.

SYCAMORE – Sycamore Middle School will host its 38th annual Science Olympiad for students to work on science projects.

The Olympiad will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. March 20 at the middle school, 150 Maplewood Drive.

Students will compete in various event for gold, silver and bronze medals. The events include Windmills, the Egg Drop, Float a boat, Go for the Ozone, Marblous Mayhem and the Marshmallowpult. The theme of the Olympiad is “STEAM to the Future.”

The Olympiad also features games, booths, displays, hands-on science activities and experiences. Food and beverages will be available to buy. The school also will host its STEAM art show, book fair and eighth-grade “Innovative Thinkers” demonstrations.

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