Kishwaukee College hosts Artist in Residence master florist

Kishwaukee College students learning Julie Poeltler's sympathy floral design

MALTA – The Kishwaukee College horticulture program recently hosted Iowa master florist Julie Poeltler as part of the college’s Artist in Residence program.

The program was offered through the American Institute of Floral Designers.

Poeltler presented a floral design demonstration to associate professor of horticulture Janet Gallagher’s floral class and members of the Student American Institute of Floral Designers Floral Club. Students received hands-on experience in creating sympathy arrangements for urns and caskets.

“I reached out to see if I could attend the event and get more professional experience. We get to learn about and make an urn piece,” former Kishwaukee College student Emmy Kuhn said in a news release.

Poeltler was inducted into the institute in 1994. She has created floral designs for the Academy Awards, the Tournament of Roses Parade, and several U.S. presidential inaugurations. Poeltler is the owner of Julie’s Fountain of Flowers in Lone Tree, Iowa.

The Artist in Residence program brings industry professionals and floral design students together at colleges and universities with student institute chapters.

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