2025 Election Questionnaire: Tia Anderson, DeKalb Park District Board of Commissioners

Tia Anderson

Name: Tia Anderson

What office are you seeking? DeKalb Park District Board Commissioner

What is your political party? NP

What is your current age? 49

Occupation and employer: AVP/Retail Manager at Heartland Bank & Trust

What offices, if any, have you previously held? I have not held a role in an elected official position. Served in an Executive Board role on numerous service and non-profit organizations.

City: DeKalb

Campaign Website: N/A

Education: Attended Kishwaukee College and Northern Illinois University.

Community Involvement: Currently serve as Past Board Chair for the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce and Chamber Ambassador, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Foundation Board member, Board President of Tails Humane Society, Board Treasurer for the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation. Served as a CASA of DeKalb County Board member, Board Co-Chair for Kishwaukee United Way, Youth Mentor for Family Service Agency, and Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.

Marital status/Immediate family:

Questions: One 16-year-old son

Why are you running?

I have been a DeKalb resident for almost 30 years. I have participated in Park District events, taken advantage of many programs, run and hike through the parks, and golf Buena Vista and River Heights religiously. My son grew up attending the summer camp program year over year and taking advantage of the sports programs and other offerings. We frequent the pool and even my dog, Clyde, attended obedience school through the Park District. The Park District plays a huge role in my family’s life. I would like to see it flourish and thrive. And be a Park District other communities strive to become. Executive Director retention, fiscal responsibility, project management oversight, and Park District employees’ insights are my top priorities out of the gate.

What are the DeKalb Park District’s top 3 most pressing needs? How would you address them if elected?

Executive Director retention. I want to seek and address the cracks on why we are on our 3rd ED in maybe a 5-year span. Opportunities have been missed, and growth and progress have slowed during these transition times.

Fiscal responsibility. Money was left on the table regarding tax dollars from Meta. I would take the time to delve into the financials and follow-up with identified opportunities and are indeed being pursued and acquired.

Listen to the staff of the Park District. Some of the staff have expressed that they feel their voices aren’t important to the Board. They are the ones with boots on the ground every day. I will listen to their ideas, successes, and challenges and take those into consideration as a Board Commissioner.

How often do you make use of DeKalb Park District facilities/grounds/amenities/programming?


Do you believe the DeKalb Park District’s budget is prioritizing the right things? If elected, what would you want to see the dollars go to?

I would need to dig deeper into the budget to adequately answer this question. But on a macro level, I believe they are prioritizing appropriately.

Hopkins Pool in DeKalb was demolished last November to make way for a new aquatic facility which is projected to open by 2026. The entire project is estimated to cost between $12 to $15 million, according to the park district. That also means DeKalb residents won’t have a public pool for the second summer in a row. Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not?

We needed a new pool. The pool was old and in disrepair. A hefty price tag was inevitable. However, I am concerned of the timeframe for completion. I don’t believe it should take this long. It appears work started later than anticipated and partly attributed to the departure of the previous Executive Director. Which brings us full circle of the importance retention in leadership.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

I want to hear from the community. I learned so much going door to door and listening to ideas and concerns. I encourage you to reach out. Our voices are important which is one of the reasons I am running. I want to have a voice at the table reflective of my thoughts, constituents’ thoughts, and the staff of the Park District thoughts. Let’s do this together!

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