Name: Victoria Books
What office are you seeking? Sycamore Park District Board of Commissioners
What is your political party? Non partisan
What is your current age? 55
Occupation and employer: Instructional Faculty, Northern Illinois University
What offices, if any, have you previously held? None
City: Sycamore
Campaign Website: No
Education: BS Ed and MS Ed
Community Involvement: Have volunteered with the following community organizations: NIU Huskie Food Pantry, NIU Kinesiology Majors Club, Sycamore School District, Beth Fowler School of Dance, Dimensions Dance Academy, Prairie Runners Youth Track & Field Club, Barb City Manor
Marital status/Immediate family:
Why are you running?
Growing up in Batavia, IL I was fortunate to be able to participate in several of the programs offered by my local Park District. These programs were a big influence on me, they allowed me to try different activities, develop leadership skills, and helped direct me toward my career in Kinesiology, Health & Fitness. I’ve lived in Sycamore now for 20 years and I have experienced the strong beneficial role our local Park District plays in our community. Over the years, my family has enjoyed many of the opportunities provided by the Sycamore Park District, including the park district facilities, parks, and programs. I decided to run for the Sycamore Park District Board of Commissioners as a way to volunteer my time toward support of the excellent programs and services of our Park District
How often do you make use of Sycamore Park District facilities/grounds/amenities/programming?
When the weather permits, I walk or ride my bike on the park district trails on a daily basis. I really enjoy the scenic views from the paths next to the Kishwaukee River and around Sycamore Lake
Do you believe the Sycamore Park District’s budget is prioritizing the right things? If elected, what would you want to see the dollars go to?
I would like to see the Park District continue to involve the community in their planning process in order to make responsible spending decisions for both indoor and outdoor recreation opportunities
The Sycamore community no longer has a public pool after it closed in 2022. What is your stance on a public pool in Sycamore? Would you support it? Why or why not? If so, how would you propose the Sycamore Park District fund it?
My career has involved working around swimming pools for the past 30 years. As a result, I have an understanding of what is required to operate and maintain a swimming pool. It is not uncommon for public pools to reach an age where the parts needed to do repairs are not even manufactured anymore, making it extremely costly or even impossible to do repairs and maintain a safe pool environment. The Sycamore Park District pool is in this age category and as a result, I understand the decision that had to be made to retire the pool. Swimming pool facilities are among the most expensive public facilities to build and operate. Anyone who has been to a modern aquatic facility can see that aquatic facilities are now much different than what was built in the generation of the Sycamore Pool, and these modern aquatic facilities are costly. I support a conscientious look at where to prioritize spending among all of the wide number of programs and services the Sycamore Park District offers.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
As a member of the Park District Board of Commissioners I can be reached by calling or emailing the Park District. My NIU students will tell you that I’m one of their Instructors that always responds when they have questions, so you can count on hearing back from me. The Park District Board meetings have opportunities for public comments so that is another way community members can provide input. I’m also out and about in downtown Sycamore frequenting local business and enjoying many of our community events so if you see me feel free to say hi!