Stage Coach Players brings ‘The Producers’ to DeKalb

The cast of The Producers during one of their rehearsals.

DeKALB - The Stage Coach Players’ most recent production of the musical comedy “The Producers” is set to open Thursday.

According to a news release, the performances will take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday to Saturday and March 31 to April 2, and at 2 p.m. March 27 and April 3 at Stage Coach Theatre, 126 S. Fifth St., DeKalb.

“The Producers” story is about a theatrical producer, Max Bialystock, and a producer wanna-be accountant, Leo Bloom, who scheme to get rich by fraudulently overselling interests in a Broadway flop. When the show unexpectedly turns out to be a hit, the tables are turned on the pair.

The Stage Coach Players’ production will be directed by Scott Montavon, who last directed the Stage Coach Players’ production of “The Red Velvet Cake War” in 2021. Bri Ness will be the assistant director, Judy O’Connor will be the music director, and Sammie Wootton will choreograph the musical.

Ryan Morton plays Bialystock, while Jackson Nielsen makes his Stage Coach Players debut as Bloom. Franz Liebkind is played by Mike Groark, with Jessica Falco playing Ulla. Steven Meerdink is Rogerde Bris, while Eli Oleson also is making his Stage Coach Players debut as Carmen Ghia. The rest of the cast includes Anthony Albamonte, Lori Brubaker, Peggy Carey, Brock Demiter, DavidDobes, Allison Duffin, Zack Eckhardt, Grace Harrison, Cheri Heinz, Ken Hudson, Joel Ledbetter, Grant Milam, Brooke Montavon, Skylar Montavon, Patrick Murphy, Nyoka Polyak, Mandi Sester, Lindsey Valenzuela and Mandy Wescott.

“The Producers” contains adult language that may not be suitable for audience members of all ages.

The Stage Coach Players recommends those who attend wear masks covering both their nose and mouth. If the state of Illinois guidelines change, guidelines will change also. Tickets are $20 each or $18 for seniors and children ages 13 and under. Tickets are on sale through the box office phone at 815-758-1940. To buy tickets, visit You can also call the SCP box office at 815-758-1940. The box office opened Sunday.

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