Girls basketball: Hinckley-Big Rock speeding things up this summer

Royals looking to push pace behind sophomore shooter Anna Herrmann

Hinckley-Big Rock’s Anna Herrmann shoots a jumper during practice Monday, June 19, 2023, at Hinckley-Big Rock High School.

HINCKLEY – As a freshman, Anna Herrmann set the Hinckley-Big Rock record with 76 3-pointers in a season.

At that pace, Herrmann will be the career leader in 3s before her sophomore year is even over. And she should have plenty of looks as the Royals switch to a more up-tempo style of play.

“It’s fun to see that athleticism kind of spilling out. Last year we were more of a slow it down, methodical pace. So it’s definitely a change of strategy for the girls, to change the style of play but it’s been fun.”

—  Doug Brewington, Hinckley-Big Rock coach

“Honestly last year was more like I’m sitting on the wing than just shooting, whereas this time it’s more transition 3s, which is honestly better for me,” Herrmann said. “I feel like if I’m running then I just shoot, and it’s easier for me to make them.”

The Royals have spent the summer working on their new fast-paced game. Last year’s team was based around center Devin Werner, who was a Daily Chronicle All-Area First-Team selection.

This year the Royals are aiming to be much more guard-oriented.

“It’s fun to see that athleticism kind of spilling out,” coach Drew Brewington said. “Last year we were more of a slow it down, methodical pace. So it’s definitely a change of strategy for the girls, to change the style of play but it’s been fun.”

Herrmann said she’s not really concerned with the record right now, but knows there may be creeping thoughts about it as the winter kicks into full gear.

“Right now, I’m not really thinking about it because it’s just summer,” Herrmann said. “But like the season, when it comes around, I’m going to be like ‘Oh shoot, better get it in gear, pick it up here.’ ”

Hinckley-Big Rock’s Raven Wagner gets to the basket during practice Monday, June 19, 2023, at Hinckley-Big Rock High School.

Raven Wagner also will provide the Royals with a boost in athleticism this year, Brewington said. The combo guard has an advantage against practically anyone guarding her, Brewington said. She can isolate post players and create space or back down guards and get into the paint.

As the summer rolls along, Wagner has been heating up.

“At any point she has an advantage over any player guarding her, she just has to figure out what that is,” Brewington said. “So she’s finally starting to be able to find out what that advantage is. The last two weeks she’s kind of been our big scoring force. When we need a bucket, get it to Raven.”

Sammy Carlino will take over in the post, mostly on defense and when the Royals are forced to slow it down in dead-ball situations. Brewington said she averaged 28 points over 32 minutes last season.

Brewington said a pair of freshmen will make the team deeper and help keep things fresh while running a press. Mia Cotton and Payton Murphy will bring that high energy on defense and should be in the Royals’ top seven.

“They’re both gonna play significant varsity minutes for us this year,” Brewington said. “Both are two little gnats that never get tired. They’re getting up and down, they’re getting pressure on the ball for us a little bit. So they’re kind of that ignition for us. Once they get out there and they’re flying around it picks up everybody else’s energy.”

Cotton and Murphy also ran at a faster pace last year in middle school while the varsity Royals were more methodical.

“It’s a very big change from last year with the amount of guards we do end up having,” Wagner said. “And so I think we’re gonna be more fast-paced bigger scoring games and hopefully tighter defense. I think we’ve adjusted pretty well, especially with the majority of the freshmen. That’s what they did last year. So I think we adjusted here pretty well.”

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